by: sheetz - FLOL
Barragan VS Hacchi, Soifon, Oomaeda
Soifon fires her Hornet Thunder Whip at Barragan who's trapped in Hacchi's barrier.
By all rights she should be limited to firing it once every three days,
but after firing twice in one day, Soifon breaths heavily for awhile,
and stands there in anguish. Before long, with a sense of relief she collapses, completely drained.
Oomaeda: "Captaaaaiiinnnn!!!"
He quickly rushes to support Soifon.
Hacchi: "...To put a crack in my Four Beasts Gate Obstruction....Unbelievable power..."
Hacchi rubs his thumb and index fingers together
and repairs the barrier. He then turns to Soifon.
Hacchi: "Are you ok?"
Oomaeda: "Is that all you can say, fatty!! What if Captain had died!!"
Even though she is supported by Oomaeda, Soifon wears a satisfied expression on her face.
Soifon: "I did what I said...now you owe me..."
Hacchi: "Yes, of course..."
At that moment, the building on which Soifon is standing is hit by an attack.
It begins to crumble away underfoot due to Barragan's aging ability.
"...I won't forgive you..."
Hacchi: "...It...can't be..."
"For wounding me to this extent...I absolutely will not
Barragan emerges from the smoke covered barrier with the left portion of his skull destroyed.
Barragan: "So you will regret your insolence against the emperor and turn to dust!!!"
He expels his Death Breath at them.
In that instant Hacchi dons his mask and erects a huge wall to shield them from the Death Breath.
Barragan: "Who is it you oppose with your sham hollow!!
It is I, The Great Barragan Ruizenbaun!!!
God of Hueco Mundo!!!"
Barragan's Death Breath continues to eat away at Hacch's wall.
Barragan: "You are tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny!!!
Shinigamis, humans, hollows, arrancars. Their differences and their quarrels. Their intents and their liberties. The moon, the stars, the sun. They are all worthless. In this world I possess the only absolute supreme power.
"That things are under my dominion is how it should be in this world!!"
The wall is finally destroyed by the large quantity of Death Breath. Hacchi appears from behind the wall and Barragan eyes him with suspicion.
As Hacchi stands in pain we see that his right forearm is gone. It's been enclosed inside a small barrier.
Barragan: "...You, what have you done with your right arm?"
Hacchi: "I'm offering it to you."
Barragan: "What...is this..."
Suddenly the barrier containing Hacchi's right hand is in Barragan's abdomen... The hand is rapidly aging from the death breath.
Hacchi: "You said it before. In this world it's the only absolute power."
Barragan: "Why you...! You cut off your own arm using a barrier and then transferred it to inside my belly?"
Hacchi: "If yours is the only absolute power, then your own body shouldn't be able to withstand it either...
It's a wager I placed without any positive proof, but I'll be fortunate if that reading of the situation isn't off..."
Barragan: "You are...an ant...!! I won't forgive...I won't forgive you ants!!"
As he screams this, the region in his belly surrounding Hacchi's hand begins to rapidly age.
Hacchi:"...In Soul Society, besides the Death Gods, there are none known by the name of "God," which is why I am unable to understand the importance of your words...
Please forgive my impiety,"
Hacchi motions as if he were bringing both hands together, but using only the left one.
Hacchi: "God of Hueco Mundo"
At that moment Barragan's body vanishes as a result of his Death Breath.
by: Nja-2Ch (Sheetz - FLOL)

Cover page is Barragan.
Hacchi praises Soifon for the way she was able to enter his barrier.
She says it's enough that she was able to go from using her bankai once every 3 days to using it twice in a single day.
Barragan took a direct hit, but somehow he's alive.
He moves towards somebody. (Hacchi?)
He expels his death breath everywhere.
Barragan's right hand is missing, and his arm has started to age. His death breath is stopped by a barrier, and it rebounds at him, causing his abdomen to rot away as well.
An angry Barragan uses his death breath against the barriers as a defence.
Barragan: I am the king of Hueco Mundo, therefore my power is unique and superior.(TL note: Kanji actually says god, not king, but it sounds kinda BS for there to be a god in HM)
To me, your lives are like those of ants.
Hacchi's right hand in the meantime rots.
Barragan: Foolish one, whats happening to your right hand.
Hacchi: I commend you for telling me that your powers are absolutely unique in this world.
Finally, Hacchi says that unless he can ascend to the throne of the shinigami king himself, he is not going to take his words seriously.
Pardon me for my disbelief, king of Hueco Mundo
The death of Barragan continues in the next chapter
It's Hacchi's right hand that is touched by the death breath and begins to rot. He uses a barrier to cut it off and throws it at Barragan.
Barragan angrily spews his death breath. Hacchi dons his mask and uses a barrier to defend, but it rots.
Barragan keeps quietly repeating, "I am the God of Hueco Mundo. Only my power is absolute and supreme."
While he goes on saying things like, "Your lives, and the lives of ants appear the same to me," Hacchi's right arm starts disappearing.
Barragan: "Oops, what's wrong with your right arm?"
Hacchi: "Because your powers are the only absolute in the world I present this to you."
At the end, Hacchi says that because there are no other gods in SS besides Shinigami he doesn't understand the importance of his words.
"Forgive me my disbelieve, God of Hueco Mundo."
As he says this Baragan is disintegrates
by: eddy26
(first prediction by: eddy26)
Chapter starts showing the aftermath of Soifon's bankai.
Omaeda: Yes!! I knew you could do it captain.
Soifon: Quiet you fool this isn't the time to celebrate. Let's make sure he is dead.
Hacchi keeps his barrier up. Suddenly it cracks open and Barragan escapes using his axe.
Barragan: Damn you both. Did you really think that would be enough to kill a god?
Slowly one of Barragan's arms crumbles.
Omaeda: Impossible! How can he still be alive.
Barragan: Prepare to die I'm through playing around.
When Hacchi hears this he puts on his vizard mask.
Chapter switches over to Rose and Love vs. Stark
Stark: Am I correct in assuming that you two have bankai?
Rose: Of course.
Love: We both were captains in the Gotei 13.
Rose: Why do you ask?
Stark: Those two shinigami I was fighting earlier I wanted to see their bankai but WW arrived and I had to end the fight earlier than I wanted to.
Rose: Consider yourself lucky Kyoraku's bankai is quite powerful.
Stark: Is he stronger than both of you?
Love: We never said that he was more powerful than us. Get ready you are about to find out how strong we are.
It switches over to Hisagi and Komamura vs. Tousen
Tousen: Hisagi this will be the last thing I will teach you. I will show you why I fear my zanpaktou. Ban
An arm swings at Tousen's head. Komamura stops Tousen from releasing his bankai.
Komamura: Hisagi leave immediately.
Hisagi: I can't give up on captain
Komamura: Quiet Hisagi this man is no longer a captain he has betrayed SS. You are in no condition mentally or physically to take part of this battle. I'm not asking you to leave this is an order.
Hisagi looks depressed but does as Komamura orders and leaves.
Komamura: Kaname you are blind to the truth Aizen has twisted your mind with his words.
Tousen: Twisted my mind? Sajin you are the one blind to the truth. Aizen is going to create a world where justice rules.
Komamura: Enough of your rhetoric. Of all the things you have spoken here today there is only one bit of truth. One of us will be dead by the end of this battle.
by: eddy26
(second prediction by eddy 26)
Tousen: Sajin you will be an example of what happens to those who oppose Aizen.
Komamura: You overestimate yourself Kaname. The last time I saw you fight I had to save you from Kenpachi.
Tousen: Save me? Don't you see how low Soul Society has fallen. Instead of punishing monsters like Kenpachi they are made captains. How does Soul Society justify that?
Komamura charges at Tousen but he jumps up and shoots benihikou at Komamura. Komamura deflects most of them but some of the blades strike his left leg and he falls on one knee.
Tousen: Bankai Enmakoorogi
Komamura: So this is what it's like to be inside of Kaname's bankai. I can't sense -
Tousen slashes Komamura in the back.
Komamura: Show yourself Kaname. Coward even when using your bankai you stab people from behind.
Tousen stabs Komamura in his stomach and Komamura falls on both knees. Tousen puts the blade of his sword across Komamura's neck.
Tousen: Is this better Sajin? Does it give you some sort of comfort looking at your killer?
Komamura: Kaname answer me how do you justify what Aizen has done? He uses both hollow and shinigami. You just stood next to him while the people who used to think of you as their friend got hurt.
Tousen: My friends? People who don't walk a righteous path are not my friends they are enemies. All of you follow a corrupt system. Even now you protect a king who doesn't bother checking on his supposed kingdom. Aizen will cleanse Soul Society. All those who stand against peace will be executed. Peace will reign both in Soul Society and in Hueco Mundo.
Komamura: Peace in Hueco Mundo and Soul Society? You are insane Kaname. As long as Hollows eat human souls there will always be constant fighting. You've always talked about peace and justice which stems from the death of your friend. In reality the reason you follow Aizen is for vengeance that is the truth!
Tousen: Quiet! I'm through talking to a fool who follows an incompetent leader like Genryuusai Yamamoto.
Tousen gets ready to slice Komamura's neck. We get a flashback of Komamura when he was younger. He is being chased down by hollows while shinigami are taunting him because of the way that he looks instead of helping and destroying the hollows. The hollows are about to devour Komamura when the figure of an old man appears in front of him. Destroy all creation to ashes Ryujin Jakka. With one swipe all the hollows are desroyed and the shinigami that were taunting Komamura are killed as well.
Young Komamura: Who are you?
Yamamoto: You will be fine now. I sense you have high spiritual pressure. Go to the shinigami academy you will learn to defeat hollows on your own. Yamamoto disappears.
Young Komamura: I won't be allowed because of the way I look.
The next panel shows Komamura going to the academy expecting to be turned away. A shinigami taps him on the shoulder and Komamura turns around.
Shinigami: Come with me we have been expecting your arrival.
Young Komamura: Expecting?
Shinigami: Yes there was an order handed down by captain commander Yamamoto to immediately enroll you into the academy.
The flashback ends and Komamura's spiritual pressure increases drastically.
Komamura: An incompetent leader? Bankai Kokujou Tengen Myouou!
Tousen's bankai is broken and Komamura stands up to block the blow to his neck.
Komamura: How dare you call captain Yamamoto incompetent. I'm sick and tired of listening to your lies. I will put an end to this now.
Tousen goes running towards Komamura. Komamura blocks the blade with one arm and then uses the other arm to grab Tousen's wrist.
Tousen: Just calling him an incompetent makes you this Ahhhhh!!!!
Komamura is grabbing Tousen so hard by the wrist that it is breaking. Tousen drops his zanpaktou.
Tousen: Stop Komamura please I don't want to die. I see the error of my ways I'm ready to go back to Soul Society.
Komamura: It is a little too late for forgiveness Kaname.
Hisagi appears in front of Komamura causing him to let go of Tousen's wrist.
Hisagi: Captain Komamura stop it. It's over Captain Tousen's eyes have finally opened.
Komamura: Hisagi get out of the way.
Hisagi: I refuse I won't allow you to kill Captatin Tousen.
Tousen: Hisagi thank you.
Hisagi is in shikai ready to fight Komamura. With the arm that isn't broken Tousen grabs Suzumushi. He tries to stab Hisagi in the back but Komamura notices and swings down with his bankai causing an explosion. After the smoke clears Tousen is lifeless on the floor with Suzumushi broken in two pieces. Hisagi's body is being carried by Sasakibe who used shunpo to get Hisagi out of the way of Komamura's bankai. There is blood gushing out from Hisagi's back as Tousen was able to stab him.
Komamura: It seems death was the only way for you to achieve peace. Now you will be able to rejoin your fallen friend. I shall bury you next to her body.
With that Komamura's bankai disappears and he falls on his knees. Gin sees that Tousen is dead and takes this chance to strike Komamura. He releases shinso but his sword is deflected and Shinji appears in front of Gin.
Shinji: Is this the only way you people know how to fight. I guess if I want to fight you I should turn around and show you my back.
by: Corpusdei
Chapter 370 : The Dust of Ages
The first page shows SoiFon blasting her missile into the barrier at Barragan
The title page is Barragan's long overdue Espada title page.
Omaeda: Captain it's sure to work this time!!
Hachi: We can only hope, although I have a few more tricks up my sleeve, if this bag of bones proves to be resilient.
SoiFon: Do not forget our deal, Hachigen. Urahara had better be in that barrier as soon as we're finished here.
As the smoke in the barrier clears, the figure of Barragan is seen to still be standing inside of the barrier. The next shot is a close up of Hachi and SoiFon, looking extremely surprised to see that Barragan is still standing,
Barragan: (panting) I will admit, this time you did manage to damage me. But you must know by now, while you may be able to hurt me temporarily, it is impossible to defeat the ravages of time. All things must answer to my powers.
As Barragan is talking, you can clearly see his number 2, which is heavily etched on his sternum right above his medallion, under the frayed cloak which was singed by SoiFon's Bankai blast. (Barragan is bone, so a tattoo wouldn't work, that's why his number is etched onto him)
Omaeda: C..C..Captain, how can he be standing...We're doomed!!!
The barriers around Barragan start to crack as Respira begins to decay them.
Hachi tells SoiFon and Omaeda to run.
Hachi: We have damaged him, but this fight isn't over yet. Please give me some distance.
Hachi goes visored, putting on his mask. He starts to do an incantation for another Kidou, but is interupted by what happens next.
SoiFon shunpo's away, and as Omaeda turns to run, he is engulfed in Respira mist that escaped from within the cracked Barrier. Omaeda's entire body, from head to waist, is immediately defleshed, and he dies instantly. His lower half is shown lying on the ground, with a pile of dust where his upper half should be.
Barragan: Ha Ha Ha, it was only a matter of time before that fat idiot succumbed. Both of you shall be next!!!
SoiFon, upon seeing the death of Omaeda, shunpo's back to where Hachi and Barragan are.
SoiFon: (shedding a tear, more in anger than sadness) I will make you pay for what you've done to my lieutenant!!!
As SoiFon starts to attack, she is engulfed by a barrier erected by Hachi. He then uses kidou to move the entire barrier, with SoiFOn inside, far away from where he and Barragan are.
SoiFon: You bastard, I wont forget this, Hachigen! Omaeda's death is mine to avenge!
Hachi: I'm sorry Captain SoiFon, but sacrificing yourself in a fit of rage is unnecessary in this situation. I hope you'll come to understand that in time.
Hachi, turning to Barragan, erects more barriers around Barragan.
Barragan: By now you should know that these walls can never hold me in. Why do you bother to resist, it is impossible to defeat me. In time, all things turn to dust.
Hachi: I don't need you to be trapped for more than a few seconds to do what I'm planning.
Barragan looks amused, and a little worried.
Hachi, still in visored mode, pulls out his zanpakuto. On the next page, Hachi plunges his sword into the barrier, piercing Barragan through the chest. As soon as the Zanpakuto is inserted into Barragan, Hachi screams "Bankai!".
Hachi: Now, lets see if you are as invincible as you claim to be.
The last page shows a bright light coming from the spot in Barragans chest where he is still pierced by Hachi's Zanpakuto.
by: Sarun
Chapter 370: Assassin's Pride
The barrier thingy explodes after Soi Fon goes off inside it.
We see trio's (Soi Fon, Omaeda and Hacchi) faces.
Soi Fon: I hope this works, cuz I am not sure I can do this all day.
Hacchi: I think this work or...
Omaeda: Or else what?
Hacchi: I haven't showed all cards yet.
Hacchi (panel focus on Soi Fon): Besides, I think he can get....
Hacchi:.....as he has to deal with it directly.
Smoke is clearing up.
A figure can be seen in the smokes.
Barragan is seen from the smokes. He looks perfectly fine.
A close up on Barragan's grinning skull.
Omaeda, Soi Fon and Hacchi are extremely shocked.
Hacchi: How did he........
Barragan: Fools.....
Barragan:......did you expect Tyrant of Skulls to........
Barragan (panel focus on Soi Fon):..........go down to a bee's sting?
Omaeda: We are doomed!
Soi Fon *punches Omaeda in the face*: Shut up!
Omaeda: *exasperated*: But Captain..........
Barragan: Enough chit chatter, lemme show why I am the no. 2 Espada.
Barragan pills out his axe.
Hacchi looks determined.
Hacchi (panel focus on Soi Fon): Captain Soi Fon and Vice Captain, no offense,........
Hacchi (panel focusing on Omaeda):.......but I would gently ask you to step away from battlefield.
Soi Fon: What?
Omaeda: You heard him, let's go!
Soi Fon *shouts*: I'm a Gotei 13 Captain, I don't...........
Hacchi *with a gentle expression*: But Captain Soi Fon, this for..........
Barragan sonidoes behind them.
Barragan releases death breath on him.
Hacchi does an instant fast kidou.
They are protected by a barrier which encloses them.
Barragan's death breath starts corroding the barrier.
Hacchi dons his visored mask.
Hacchi does a kidou.
The unaffected side of the barrier breaks apart.
Somethings jets out of that side of the barrier.
It lands in far place.
It was Hacchi, Soi Fon and Omaeda.
Hacchi looks determined, Soi Fon looks tired and Omaeda looks terrified.
Hacchi: As as I was saying,........
Hacchi (panel on Soi Fon):.........you two from here on just sit out the fighting.
Soi Fon: Unacceptable, do you think I'll stand that?
Hacchi: Sorry to be rude,....
Hacchi (panel on Barragan who appears a bit far away from them):...........but a assassin's pride won't help us against them.
Barragan: Finished talking?
Soi Fon *looks tsundere and replies to Hacchi*: Che, I understand I can't go much further in this condition.
Omaeda *happy at the way his Captain responded and exclaims*: Yes!
Hacchi *getting his zanpaktou out and responds to Barragan*: Hm, let's finish this up.
Barragan *laughs and claims*: That's my line!
Panel of Hacchi's zanpaktou.
Panel of Gran Caida.
Suddenly the sky above them is cracking.
A Garganta is opening up.
Garganta opens up.
Some figures in smokes can be seen thrown out.
Figures land in mid-air some distance away from the garganta.
Smoke is clearing away.
The figures where shown to be that of Mayuri and Nemu.
Barragan, Omaeda, Soi Fon and Hacchi looks up.
Yamamoto looks surprised.
Aizen is amused.
Gin kept smiling.
Shinji just frowns.
Tousen doesn't respond.
Kommamura growls slightly.
Kira worries more.
Kensei gets interested.
The garganta remained opened.
Mayuri anxiously looks into it.
The End.
by: stark espada
Bleach Chapter 370 (shark bite and bones rise)
So it starts again where it left off the barrier got blown up by soifons bankai, yet barragan is standing perfectly fine he dodged the attack with his axe and then swings it cutting soifon then grabbing her face and rotting her away
Hacchi and omeada have a ghosly look on there face as barragan starts moving to them hacchi tries to do another barrier but barragan easily slashes it away wit his axe
we switch over to stark who notices barragan is finishing up his fight he says "well mr.hero lets get this over with"
Then we go back to halibel,Lisa is attacking her and she is easily blocking lisa goes shikai and there both attacking hiyori joins in now and toshi just stands at the side halibel does one of her wave attacks
then at the end she says that piller of ice helped for now I have enough ice to do my ultimate attack.
by: Sen
Bleach 370 Chapter Title = Wisdom comes with Age
The chapter starts with Soifon, Hachi and Oomaeda
Soifon: Did he escape?
Hachi: No. He took the full force of the blast.
Oomaeda: We did it, that was great. Now that scary bone guy won't give us no more trouble.
*Oomaeda jumps on Soifon ... receiving a boot on his face*
Switches to Halibel Vs Lisa
Halibel: Who are you? And why are you helping those Shinigamis?
Lisa: At first I didn't want to intervene, but looking at the situation, to defeat Aizen you arrancars must be defeated.
Halibel: You seem confident!
Lisa: Look who's talking!
*Then Halibel fights seriously, giving Lisa no choice but to relase her Shikai*
Shunsui: Oh my, Lisa is something!
Then the scene swicthes to where Hitsugaya and Hiyori are.
*Hitsugaya looks at Aizen ... then notices Gin*
Hiyori: Hey you, what are you staring at!
*Hitsugaya remembers when he first fought Gin and what he tried to do to Momo, so he tells Hiyori*
Hitsugaya: I want to fight Gin personally, I would appreciate if you do not get involved?
Hiyori: What? Are you serious!
*Hiyori headbutts Toshiro*
Hitsugaya: Why you

Hiyori: at this state, you won't make it ... Idiot!!
Switches back to Soifon, Hach and Oomaeda
*Hachi, Soifon and Oomaeda look at each other, with their faces full of fear*
*As Barragan appears from the smoke*
Barragan: As you can see, we, the espada have numbers. With the exception of myself
Hachi: What do you mean?
Barragan: I have no number, because i'm the emperor of the espadas
*Hachi, Soifon and Oomaeda become shocked!*
Oomaeda: I knew this guy was not normal!
Soifon: Shut up Oomaeda.
Hachi: What should we do?!
At the end, Captain-Commander Yamamoto approaches slowly, and looks at Barragan*
Looks like the odds of winning against an Espada gets better if the Captains had Vizard allies.
The battle in HM: I think its gonna be a thread killer.
This, I think, will resolve three things: whether or not the Vizards are significantly stronger than their shinigami counterparts, whether or not Yammy is really that much stronger than the top three, and whether or not Unohana is really that powerful..
Three things may happen in HM:
1.) Yammy is ganged upon by everyone, including Ichigo, and beaten (of course he will). Or not.
2.) Yammy is beaten, but without Ichigo's assistance (I'm thinking of Unohana)
3.) Yammy is taken down by someone else not already in HM. (like Urahara)
In case of 1, if Ichigo and all the other Captains are somehow involved in Yammy's defeat, I'm willing to bet that Yammy is stronger than the rest of the Espada. Of course, if Ichi manages to beat Yammy by himself and without the Deus-ex-Hollow Form, then most definitely Vizards > Shinigami as a general rule.
In case of 2, Unohana is definitely badass for defeating the Cero without any Vizard help.
by: renning
TAGS: Bleach, Bleach 370, Bleach 370 Raw, Bleach Manga 370, Bleach Spoilers, Bleach Manga Spoilers, Bleach 370 Spoilers, Bleach , Bleach 370, Bleach Anime, Bleach Chapter 370, Bleach 370 Predictions, Bleach 370 Wordpress, Bleach 370 Blogspot, Bleach 370 English, Bleach 370 Confirmed Spoiler, Bleach 370 Read Online, Bleach 370 Download, Bleach 370 Onemanga, Bleach 370 Mangahelpers, Bleach 370 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Bleach 370 Narutofan, Bleach 370 Bleachcentral, Bleach 370 Bleachexile, Bleach Asylum, TAGS: Naruto, Naruto 460, Naruto 460 Raw, Naruto Manga 460,
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