by: CG - BA
The's almost no talk in the chapter.
Koma-dog tries his best.
He opposes Tousen.
It's the guy with closed eyes' turn now.
Hirako is cut by Tousen.
His face's injured.
Tousen tries to cut him again.
Komamura stops Tousen.
Lisa and Hiyori go to where Hitsugaya is.
Mashiro goes to WW's giant.
It ends with Hisagi appearing before Tousen who's about to be engaged by Komamura.
Love and Rose go to where Stark is.
Stark says, "Is it OK? that your mask's gone?"
Love says, "It won't last more than 3 minutes, cause I'm a hero".
I think the only one talking is the guy with closed eyes but I'm not sure...
Hacchi goes to Soifon and Omaeda.
Hirako didn't manage to cut Aizen.
Instead of cutting him he himself got cut.
I'd like to ask Haruma-san for details.
I just forget so many characters' names.
It's all simple.
Addition concerns Hirako and Komamura's involvement.
Komamura loudly shouts, "Let's join forces" and Hitsu and Soifon agree and join in.
It seems Love can't hold his mask more than 3 minutes.
Concerning Komamura and Tousen, just before the battle between them could begin Hisagi appears with wounds all over his body, and that's the end.
The 3 minute limit seems to be true.
Love's mask disappears right in front of Stark.
And the conversation goes like this:
Stark - Is it OK? that your mask is gone?
Love - It just has only 3 minite limit, cause I'm a hero.
__________________________________________________________by: Nja-2Ch

Just as Hirako brings down his sword Tousen is able to force his way in and cut Hirako in the forehead.
The vizards go fight the top 3 espada.
Stark vs Love and Rose.
Harribel vs Lisa and Hiyori.
Barragan versus Hacchi and 'somebody'.
WW versus Kensei and Mashiro
Mashiro hits superchunky with a super kick and it dies. (A hunk of flesh goes flying.)
WW cries, "Aaaaaaaa" as he sees this.
Tousen has an encounter with Komamura and Hisagi (?)
That's the end of the chapter.
Translated by: yagami1221 NF
When Shinji slashes, Kaname Tousen enter the fight and attempt to slash Shinji.
The Vizards goes to fights Espada 1,2,3 !
Stark Vs Love and the long haired guy.
Haribel Vs Lisa and Hiyori.
Barragan Vs The Barrier Guy and some guy
Wonderweiss and the huge hollow thing Vs Kensei and Mashiro !
Mashiro Super kicks the crap out of the huge hollow thing.
Wonderweiss goes : AaaaAaaaAaaahhhHHhh !
Tousen who was about to slash Shinji got deflected by Komamuru Sanji and Hisagi Shuuhei !
These are collated Predictions, Theories and Spoilers of Bleach 367. I will release the confirmed scanned pics and spoilers for Bleach 367 by Wednesday, July 22 (Japan Time).
The Vizards basically used this time to show their control over their hollow powers.
Even though the Vizards are strong, will they be strong enough to beat Sousuke Aizen and his Army of Arrancar/Espada.
Next chapter we may see the start of a great battle between the Vizards and the Former Captains/Espada.
Will the Vizards be enough to beat Aizen and his Arrancar Army?
Also, what are Ichigo and the others doing in Heuco Mundo?
Please comment.
by: Zetsu-san
______________________________________________________The Vizards are Back in Action
Even though the Vizards are strong, will they be strong enough to beat Sousuke Aizen and his Army of Arrancar/Espada.
Next chapter we may see the start of a great battle between the Vizards and the Former Captains/Espada.
Will the Vizards be enough to beat Aizen and his Arrancar Army?
Also, what are Ichigo and the others doing in Heuco Mundo?
Please comment.
by: Zetsu-san
by: eddy 26
It starts with Shinji looking a little upset since it seems his attack was blocked by a cero from Stark.
Aizen: Did you think it would be so easy for you to reach me Hirako Shinji? It doesn't matter how much you've trained my espada are stronger than all of you. This time you failures will die Urahara Kisuke isn't here to save you.
Gin: That was awfully close captain Aizen for a moment there I thought I should intervene.
Aizen: Everything is going according to plan Gin I was counting on Hirako and the others to arrive. I am getting tired of waiting we will crush all our enemies here.
Shinji gets ready to try to attack Aizen again but suddenly Stark appears in front of him. Aizen is still smiling and Stark points his gun at Shinji.
Shinji: Stay out of my way espada we don't have to fight all we want is Aizen.
Stark: We aren't that different you are shinigami that have gained hollow powers. We are hollows that received shinigami powers. We should be allies look at the face of those shinigami they fear you.
Shinji: I don't care how the shinigami look at us we aren't their allies and we aren't yours either. This is your last chance espada get out of my way don't make me have to kill you it'll be such a pain.
Stark: I can't allow you to attack Aizen he created us. We owe our lives to him he gave us these powers.
Shinji: Have it your way.
Shinji puts on his hollow mask but Stark shoots a barrage of cero's at him. Suddenly Shinji appears behind Stark.
Shinji: Nice move that would have hurt if I hadn't moved in time. Let me show you how I shoot cero.
Just like the Grimmjow fight Shinji creates a huge cero and shoots it at Stark. Yamamoto opens his eyes he is surprised at the size of the cero Shinji just shot. Haribel and Barragan look at the huge explosion and they finally make their move. Haribel appears in front of Lisa and Hiyori.
Haribel: Your leader seems powerful I wonder if you two are just as strong. It doesn't matter if you are I will crush both of you and then go avenge my fraccion.
It switches over to Barragan who has appeared in front of Hacchi and Love.
Barragan: I think I will start off with you two. I will show Aizen that I am the strongest espada and that I should be primera. I won't take it easy on you like I did against the shinigami.
Barragan raises his axe and swings it at both of them. They dodge but then Barragan releases his death breath. Wonderweiss screams again and Superchunky releases more Gillian.
Rose: I think we should defeat the source of all these Gillians. I am going to go after that arrancar who seems to be in control of this thing.
Kensei: I want to get to Aizen and his group. Let's get rid of these Gillian Mashiro.
Mashiro: Don't order me around Kensei you big meanie. I don't have to listen to you we aren't part of Soul Society anymore.
It switches over to Hitsugaya, Soifon, Komamura, and Omaeda who have appeared next to Yamamoto.
Soifon: Shinji and the others I can't believe they were alive all this time. Weren't they executed captain commander?
Yamamoto: They were sentenced to die but Central 46 had already told me that something had gone wrong. We knew they had managed to escape but we had no clue as to where they had gone.
Hitsugaya: I've never seen a shinigami with hollow powers amazing. What should we do now captain commander?
Yamamoto: All of you listen our goal is to defeat Aizen. Now that Shinji and his group have the espada occupied let us strike. Aizen and the traitors have no one to fight in their place. I am going to go after Aizen the rest of you defeat the traitors.
The chapter ends with a panel showing Rukia, Chad, and Renji down on the ground looking beat up.
by: Kastro 187420
Wonderweiss possesses the ability to control/command other hollows. Its an innate ability of his, which is why he's able to control Super Chunky.
Aizen, being severely outnumbered, needs to even the playing field. He needs a way to either, A, get reinforcements, or B, severely weaken the enemies, or C, both.
He will reveal a technique he was researching or an Ability ones of his Espada posses (possibly stark or wonderweiss?), that will essentially draw out the Inner Hollow from the Vizards, making them 2 separate beings. We will have the 8, now regular Shinigami, against their Hollow Counter-Parts.
So now we have:
8 Captain-Level Hollow
Captain Commander
Captain Komamura
8 Ex-Vizards
Now things seem a little bit fairer, AND the Vizards, are now normal Shinigami, which means they have been "cured" so to speak, and Soul Society won't have any issues with letting them back.
Now remember what I mentioned about Wonderweiss? At this point you're probably trying to figure: "Why will the split Hollows from the Vizards listen to Aizen?". That is where Wonderweiss comes in. He has some ability that will resonate with the Vizards Hollows, making them want to listen to him.
This leaves Ichigo, as the sole Vizard, essentially giving him the opportunity to become the most powerful, ahead of Shinji and the others (since their hollows were removed).
by: alvhier77
Bleach 367: The Change Of Air
Just as Hirako's sword about to hit Aizen, he shakes.
all the vizards suddenly get a seisure attack and stops them from killing more menos..
suddenly they stand still turn their attention to the captains and vc's off SS..
aizen: thank you for coming, hirako.
its just as planned.. stark, barragan, halibel, join your brothers and sisters and finish this off..
then the vizards + the espadas launch an attack on ss..
then suddenly, a senkai gate appears and a swift motion of several people are shown...
small details of these people are shown in the panels...
everyone looked greatly shocked.. even aizen.
ukitake is shown without his haori standing beside his corpse ..
shunsui: there you are... do you see that?
omaeda: whhhaaat??
kira: are they......
soifon: these are.....!
yamamoto: the royal guards!
by: Sasun
Chapter 357: Power of Hybrids
Shinji swings at Aizen. Aizen remains calm. Shinji is composed and concentrated. Someone blocks the shot.
It was Stark. Shinji thinks that he virtually teleported to there. Stark readies to fire a cero at Shinji.
Shinji barely ducks and stands in mid-air up-side down.
Stark: "Barragan, Harribel, now that the kid (WW panel) is here, you know, it's about time we speed this up. Finish your opponents and come assist me...."
Stark: " finish off our new intruders."
Panels of Barragan staring at Soi Fon and Omaeda, and Harribel glaring down at Hitsugaya.
WW starts to scream again.
WW's scream caused the "Super Chunky" to bring out arrancarized gillians. Visoreds minus Shinji prep up to face them. Shinji moves on to attack Stark.
Shinji swings at Starrk who ducks. Shinji asks whether he can teleport. Stark asks back what powers are Shinji hiding. Shinji replies that hybrids do have hidden hax powers.
Barragan mutters that Starrk is taking charge and how he hates that. Omaeda whispers to Soi Fon that they should escape.
Soi Fon: "You coward." Soi Fon punches Omaeda in the face.
Barragan: "It's hopeless, shinigamis, you have..."
Two figures appears before Soi Fon and Omaeda.
It is Kommamura and Sasakibe.
Kommamura: "Captain Soi Fon, you take rest now, we will handles from here on."
Barragan: "More shinigami meat."
Hitsugaya is incredulous on how she survived his technique let alone break out off it. He remembers that 100th petal had already fallen and his opponent should be dead.
Hitsugaya: "How did you survive?"
Harribel: "Arrogant, little, shinigami Captain, there is a vast....."
Harribel: ".....difference between our powers. My higher reiatsu enabled me to survive your strongest attack and enabled me to break out of it."
Hitsugaya: "Why didn't you break out of it earlier?"
Harribel: "Us top 3 Espada has special ability. Mine is absorption."
Hitsugaya: "Absor...."
Harribel sonidoes to next to Hitsugaya and cradles/cuddles him between her body and her "claw" hand. His head is touching about her cleavage or breasts and whispers to his ears.
Harribel: "Shinigami, you are nothing before us, hybrids."
Harribel swings at him. Hitsugaya tries to block it.
Hitsugaya is injured pretty badly. As he drops down, she tries to go down for the killing slash. Someone blocks it before that happens.
It was Captain Commander Yamamoto. He does a shikai ability on her.
She appears unscathed. She used her special ability. She comments that the difference between Captain Commander Yamamoto and Captain Hitsugaya is like night and day.
She tells to herself that she should be much careful and that there is much from him. Barragan stares down at his four opponents. Kommamura goes Bankai. Sasakibe goes shikai.
Kommamura (along with his bankai), Sasakibe, Omaeda and Soi Fon is slashed by Barragan's "axe thingy" which is now extended.
Barragan: "I didn't even have to use my special ability."
Mashiro kicks a gillion to oblivion.
Visoreds appeared to have beaten gillions. They surround Starrk who was fighting Shinji. Stark teleports out of there.
Stark appears above them and fire his 1000 ceros. Big explosions.
Lots of smoke.
Gin: "Hah, that was easy."
Aizen: "I'm afraid not."
Shinji: "That was some sick move."
Shinji and co are unscathed.
They looked down at Espada (Stark above them), Barragan looking at them from afar, Harribel dodging a Captain Commander's shikai fire shot technique).......
......WW, Super Chunky, Aizen and Co..
Shinji: "Anything more Aizen?"
Aizen smiles.
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