Bleach 365: Whose Side Are We On
by: sheetzStatus: CONFIRMED SPOILER
This is an updated translation of the spoilers with a few changes I made.
whose side are we on
We see the reactions of the shinigami and aizen's group.
Hisagi, breathing faintly, stares at Kensei.
Hirako asks if there are people from the gotei 13 they want to greet after such a long time, although not everyone is there.
Lisa silently goes over to Kyouraku.
She steps on his head and asks how long he's going to pretend he's dead. Then she presses down with her foot.
Kyouraku tells her she's gotten pretty in the time he hasn't seen her. She kicks him away in disgust. She rages that she'll show him just how strong she's gotten.
Kyouraku: "I'm glad you're looking healthy!" "Fool!" "...Really..." (Seems like they're talking about the past?)
Hirako goes to Yama-jii and asks if he's let go of his past grudge. To Aizen he says matters are different with him.
The vizards erect a barrier so that nobody is allowed in.
They notice the 1st Division VC who is keeping watch, and finally let him in. (At first they are hesitant to, but they finally allow him in to watch the battle.)
Yama-jii asks if he can consider them allies.
"We are not your allies. We are Aizen's enemies. In truth, we're Ichigo's allies." He returns to the vizards.
WW screams and a large number of gillians come out of Superchunky's mouth.
The vizards all don their masks.
Rose's is like a bird. Love's is like a demon/ogre. Lisa's has a cross in it. Hacchi's is like Nel's fraccion with the big face.
by: yQongahxCI, Spacecat

Hisagi is in shock and Kyouraku is trod on by Risa.
The first squad vice captain seems to have put them in the barrier.
Yama-ji's face is one of complete shock at first "you concealed yourselves in the present world?"
At the end WW is all "uah"
Gin "annoying kid, he went and spoiled all the tension."
Tousen "when WW speaks it is significant, be quiet and watch."
Suddenly masses of gillians emerge.
Hirako and co transform.

We see the reactions of the shinigami and aizen's group.
Hisagi, breathing faintly, stares at Kensei.
Hirako says there are people from the gotei 13 he wanted greet after such a long time, but not everyone is there.
Lisa silently goes over to Kyouraku.
She steps on his head and asks how long he's going to pretend he's dead. Then she presses down with her foot.
Kyouraku tells her she's gotten pretty in the time he hasn't seen her. She kicks him away in disgust.
Kyouraku: "I'm glad your healthy!" "Fool!" "...Really..." (Seems like they're talking about the past?)
Hirako go to Yama-jii and asks if he's let go of his past grudge. To Aizen he says matters are different with him.
Hacchi creates a barrier room(?)
The 1st Division VC looks at it and finally goes in. At first he's hesitant, but then goes in to watch the progress of the battle.
Yama-jii asks if he can consider them allies.
"We are not your allies. We are Aizen's enemies. In truth, we're Ichigo's allies." He returns to the vizards.
WW screams and a large number of gillians come out of Superchunky's mouth.
The vizards all don their masks.
Rose's is like a bird. Love's is like a demon/ogre. Lisa's has a cross in it. Hacchi's is like Nel's fraccion with the big face.
Tousen, Gin and Aizen are surprised by Hirako's appearance.
Surprised Yama-jii asks, "Are you our allies?" and gets the answer (from Hirako judging by the kansai))), "We're Ichigo's allies"
Lisa goes to Kyouraku's side and is relieved to see that he's ok.
Wonderwise shouts and Gin says, "Wht a strange child. I don't like him".
Tousen answers, "Be quiet and just watch".
Lotsa Gillians appear.
Hirako and others put on their masks and prepare to fight.
The end
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