Watch Bleach Episodes (English Sub)
Bleach 236
Bleach 235
Bleach 235
by: Nja - 2Ch, thornofcarrion MH

The Title is "Grey Wolf, Red Blood, Black Clothes, White Bone"
The one who stabbed was Kyouraku and he came out from Stark's shadow.
"My ability is to turn a child's play into reality"
If you're the shadow-monster, you lose if your shadow gets stepped on.
If you're the tall-monster, you win by being the taller one. You die if you lose and live if you win. (TN: I think this refers to some traditional Japanese children's games)
According to the naming of the sword, once you go into that area, you have no choice but to play by the rules.
The rules and way to play is decided by the sword itself, and it's a chore to be pushed around by it~
The duel is starting,
"Iroki, haiiro" (Monster of color, gray) Kyouraku says and attacks Stark.
Stark: "Somehow even when i feel I've been cut down, I don't see that kind of wound...
The part where I was cut is gray... a bit of a worry
Kyouraku: Oi oi what are you doing? It's your turn, you have to give a color to attack
Stark: (He doesn't have anything gray...) Monster of color, white.
Kyouraku's expression changed and on his back was a splash-shaped wound and a tremendous amount of blood is sprayed out.
Kyouraku: Shit. After all the pain of thinking about trying to explain the rules a bit at a time.
To think about what will instead be a large damage to yourself and turn it to an attack. And you can give your opponent a large blow by aiming for the weakness.
You already understood it...This is why you're a pain in the ass!!
(TN: Essentially to name the color you have on yourself, and do the damage to the opponent. This is why Stark was able to damage Shunsui badly by naming "white")
Stark: Right back at you!! (Why do I have to fight someone this strong?)
Stark's flashback
I envy the weak ones. The ones around me will soon become corpses.
Because of the loneliess, I have split my soul into two, I've already forgotten which one of us is the original.
I envy the weak ones. They are able to live in groups.
If someone as strong as me joined as my comrade...
Stark cut across the Happi (Kyouraku's captain coat) that was thrown at him.
Kyouraku is now all in black. "Monster of color, Black!"
Stark got cut open everywhere.
Nja doesn't know if it's shikai or bankai, and there's no change in the shape of the sword.
It's just that when Shunsui was talking and pointing with his sword, he was using his right hand.
It's worth noting that maybe the sword on his left hand has other abilities?
Now the question is who did it?
To be honest it could've been practically anyone.
So unfortunately we'll have to wait till next weeks capter to find out.
Another question is wouls Starrk to Primera, the 1st Espada, really die this easily?
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by: eddy26
Bleach 374: Superheroes Don't Die
Starts off with Stark seeing who stabbed him
Stark: It was you?
Rose: Did you think we would be so easily defeated by those wolves.
The flower petals at the end of Rose's whip closed giving the tip of the whip the shape of a blade.
Love: It seems you are as arrogant as your fallen comrade.
Stark: I am not arrogant I was just stating the truth. I wasn't really trying to kill you with that attack. I wanted to offer you two the chance to escape but you've made it clear that this will be a battle to the death.
Love: Damn right it is.
Rose: Both of us are ex-captains of the Gotei 13. We saw you keep asking Kyoraku to show you his bankai. Since Kyoraku is out of this battle I'll do you a favor and show you mine. It's time you listen to my sweetest sonata.
Love: Stop! Rose don't you think it's a little early to be using your bankai.
Rose: This fight will take forever if we have to keep dodging those wolves.
Love: Fine since I attacked him first then I will release my bankai. Unfortunately for you Primera Espada this will be the only bankai you'll see before you die.
Stark: I guess I should thank you in advance since you are going to kill me.
Lilynette: What are you saying Stark the Primera Espada shouldn't talk like that.
It switches over to Hiyori, Lisa, and Hitsugaya vs. Harribel
Hitsugaya: Whose reiatsu is this? This is at a level of a captain.
Hiyori: Obviously you really are dumb. I can't believe they made you a captain.
Hitsugaya: What did you just say?
Hiyori: Of course it is at the level of a captain's Love used to be a captain in the Gotei 13.
Lisa: Your comrade is pretty strong making Love go bankai.
Harribel: Bankai? So you are all members of the Gotei 13.
Lisa: We used to be members of the Gotei 13.
Harribel: So do you have a bankai as well?
Lisa: It would be foolish to answer that question it is to my advantage if you don't know what I'm capable of.
Harribel: I hope you do have one otherwise it'll be too easy to defeat you and that fake mask of yours. It disgusts me watching a shinigami try to impersonate a hollow.
It switches back to Love and Rose vs. Stark.
Love: Impressed?
Stark: This is going to be a little harder than I thought.
Chapter ends with the last page showing Love's bankai
by: stark espada
Bleach 374: A Father Joining the Fight
Stark notices he's been stabbed,but doesn't really have a hurt reaction too it, he simply turns his head to see who is there.
Starrk: Figured it was you who stabbed me..Isshin
Isshin: So you remember me then aye, GREAT!
Isshin looks to rose and love and tells them to both leave if there no match for starrk.
Love: your kidding me who ever you are this is a joke right
Isshin: no you could not hope to beat him, one more hit and you both would be dead!
Just then rose gets out of the ruble again, He looks up with an amazement or horror like face at isshin
Rose: Lo-- Love you know who that is right?
Love: No
Rose: Thats one of the legendary original captains Isshin [give him a last name as if he changes it when he comes to the human world] of the [] division.
Love: No way really? Well he's telling us to leave what should we do?
Rose: Lets just stand back for now and do what he said
Love and Rose go off, Isshin then pulls his blade out of starrk
Starrk: so its been a while hasn't it?
Isshin:..Yes it has ever since that fight..That made me retire from the soul soceity!
ending word thing: Starrk is the reason isshin is no longer a captain what could be the history with these two and just how did starrk do that?!
_____________________________________________________________by: eddy26
Bleach 374: Superheroes Don't Die
Starts off with Stark seeing who stabbed him
Stark: It was you?
Rose: Did you think we would be so easily defeated by those wolves.
The flower petals at the end of Rose's whip closed giving the tip of the whip the shape of a blade.
Love: It seems you are as arrogant as your fallen comrade.
Stark: I am not arrogant I was just stating the truth. I wasn't really trying to kill you with that attack. I wanted to offer you two the chance to escape but you've made it clear that this will be a battle to the death.
Love: Damn right it is.
Rose: Both of us are ex-captains of the Gotei 13. We saw you keep asking Kyoraku to show you his bankai. Since Kyoraku is out of this battle I'll do you a favor and show you mine. It's time you listen to my sweetest sonata.
Love: Stop! Rose don't you think it's a little early to be using your bankai.
Rose: This fight will take forever if we have to keep dodging those wolves.
Love: Fine since I attacked him first then I will release my bankai. Unfortunately for you Primera Espada this will be the only bankai you'll see before you die.
Stark: I guess I should thank you in advance since you are going to kill me.
Lilynette: What are you saying Stark the Primera Espada shouldn't talk like that.
It switches over to Hiyori, Lisa, and Hitsugaya vs. Harribel
Hitsugaya: Whose reiatsu is this? This is at a level of a captain.
Hiyori: Obviously you really are dumb. I can't believe they made you a captain.
Hitsugaya: What did you just say?
Hiyori: Of course it is at the level of a captain's Love used to be a captain in the Gotei 13.
Lisa: Your comrade is pretty strong making Love go bankai.
Harribel: Bankai? So you are all members of the Gotei 13.
Lisa: We used to be members of the Gotei 13.
Harribel: So do you have a bankai as well?
Lisa: It would be foolish to answer that question it is to my advantage if you don't know what I'm capable of.
Harribel: I hope you do have one otherwise it'll be too easy to defeat you and that fake mask of yours. It disgusts me watching a shinigami try to impersonate a hollow.
It switches back to Love and Rose vs. Stark.
Love: Impressed?
Stark: This is going to be a little harder than I thought.
Chapter ends with the last page showing Love's bankai
by: stark espada
Bleach 374: A Father Joining the Fight
Stark notices he's been stabbed,but doesn't really have a hurt reaction too it, he simply turns his head to see who is there.
Starrk: Figured it was you who stabbed me..Isshin
Isshin: So you remember me then aye, GREAT!
Isshin looks to rose and love and tells them to both leave if there no match for starrk.
Love: your kidding me who ever you are this is a joke right
Isshin: no you could not hope to beat him, one more hit and you both would be dead!
Just then rose gets out of the ruble again, He looks up with an amazement or horror like face at isshin
Rose: Lo-- Love you know who that is right?
Love: No
Rose: Thats one of the legendary original captains Isshin [give him a last name as if he changes it when he comes to the human world] of the [] division.
Love: No way really? Well he's telling us to leave what should we do?
Rose: Lets just stand back for now and do what he said
Love and Rose go off, Isshin then pulls his blade out of starrk
Starrk: so its been a while hasn't it?
Isshin:..Yes it has ever since that fight..That made me retire from the soul soceity!
ending word thing: Starrk is the reason isshin is no longer a captain what could be the history with these two and just how did starrk do that?!
TAGS: Bleach, Bleach 374, Bleach 374 Raw, Bleach Manga 374, Bleach Spoilers, Bleach Manga Spoilers, Bleach 374 Spoilers, Bleach , Bleach 374, Bleach Anime, Bleach Chapter 374, Bleach 374 Predictions, Bleach 374 Wordpress, Bleach 374 Blogspot, Bleach 374 English, Bleach 374 Confirmed Spoiler, Bleach 374 Read Online, Bleach 374 Download, Bleach 374 Onemanga, Bleach 374 Mangahelpers, Bleach Episode 236, Bleach Episode 236 (English Sub), Bleach 374 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Bleach 374 Narutofan, Bleach 374 Bleachcentral, Bleach 374 Bleachexile, Bleach Asylum, Naruto, Naruto 464, Naruto 464 Raw, Naruto Manga 464,One piece 557, One Piece 557 Raw Spoilers
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