Watch Bleach Episodes (English Sub)
Bleach 235
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____________________________________________________________Bleach 235
Bleach 234
Bleach 233
Bleach 373 (English)
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by: CG - BA
The two (Rose and Love) don their masks to confront the attacking wolves.
Rose goes shikai as well, "Play (kanadero), Kinshara (golden sal tree)".
His sword turns into a whip from the guard down. It bears a flower on the tip, maybe a rose.
Roses uses technique "Golden sal tree, the 11th sonata, 16-day-old moon rose".
As the tip of the whip hits an opponent, he touches the whip as if he plays piano, and the tip makes an explosion.
Even though the wolves are getting beaten, there're so many of them that it seems endless, [the tip] comes in contact with wolves and they explode.
Love still getting bombed speculates that these wolves came out of Stark's guns' magazines, thus they are a huge mass of ceros.
Here Stark comments that they are not ceros, they're split pieces of his own soul, they're like brethren in arms and lot of them obeys him becoming his weapon, these wolves are Stark and Lillynette, they are Primera, Stark Coyote and Lillynette Gingerbell's ability. Stark says that the victory in this fight is already decided, but if they just go and run for it, he'll spare them and leave them be.
Love who already lost his sunglasses by this time says, "Don't underestimate us!", and retaliates.
Starks standing on top of a telephone pole says that he doesn't enjoy finishing his opponent off, but in this case he's going to have to do it. And in this moment he gets stubbed from behind. The end.
Because the picture is blackened it's hard to say definitely, but the sword seems kinda too big. Also Stark got pierced below his hollow hole, so I don't think Stark could pull a Nnoitra on us [TN: meaning that even when Nnoitra got stubbed right into his left eye in his fight with Kenpachi, he took no damage due to his hollow hole being there]
by: Celtic Zeppelin - BA
ゆけ スターク! とスターク
Stark cries, "Go Stark!"
The pack of wolves all swoop down on Love and Rose
棍棒ともう一人の髪の長い男性の武器は鞭 金薔薇ウイップ?w 鞭の先端に薔薇
Rose's weapon is a whip. (Golden Rose Whip? The tip is a rose.)
They keep taking down the wolves but when Love is bitten by one there is an explosion.
爆発から脱出し ラブ これは一体一体セロでできているぞ!?
He escapes the explosion. "What the hell! Are these made of ceros!?"
スターク セロなんかじゃあんた達にたいしてダメージが与えられないのはわかっている
Stark: I know that ceros won't do damage against you.
These are my own spirit that's been divided. These are all Stark.
This is the ability of Starck (he gives his full name) Lilynette (full name)!
ラブ・ロンゲ !? 囲まれ一斉に爆発 瀕死の状態へ・・・
Love and Rose are surrounded and they explode all at once. They are on the verge of death...
スターク もうどうだい降参したら? と空から地上へと降りて足がついた途端に
Stark: "Giving up already?" Just as he lands on the ground,
後ろから 刀が心の臓に突き刺さった所で 完です。
from behind he's pierced through the heart by a sword. The end.
伸びてきたのかわかりませんが スタークの後ろには誰も書かれていませんでした
Nja says he doesn't know who it was who came from behind.
Love and Rose VS Starrk...
And A Pack of Wolves?
And A Pack of Wolves?

So remaining we have:
Love and Rose vs Starrk (2 on 1)
Hitsugaya, Hiyori and Lisa vs Harribel (3 on 1)
Some Crazy Mix Up with Komamaru, Hisagi and Shinji vs Tousen and possibly Gin
In Hueco Mundo we have Yammy vs Everyone
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by: stark espada
Bleach 373 (Wolf's Heart)
Love: what are those?
Rose: Love be careful they have strong power from them
(next panel stark is looking down at them)
Stark: which one of you has a stronger bankai? If you have one show it to me?
Love: Hey don't go telling me what to do
Stark: I'm saying you will need it, I dislike fighting unfair
Love: Well see about that *dawns mask again*
Stark: Are you ready lili?
Wolfs: Yes!
Stark: go then!
all but one of the wolf's start charging
All the sudden the wolf's start shooting out strong winds that are cutting love up
Love: ahhhah what on earth.
Rose: No love!
The wolfs stop there barrage for a moment
Love: So they can use wind.
Love then hits a few of them but suddenly one attacks back turning into a twister cutting love up more
Love: ahhh
Love: alright I guess I will go bankai but not cause you told me too!
Love: Bankai!
Stark for one panel again looks at him with a serious face.
by: Sarun
Chapter 373: Lone Wolf
Panel of surprised Love's face. / Panel of surprised Rose's face. / Panel of serious Starrk's face.
Panel of Starrk and his pack of wolves.
Rose: What is that? / Love: He did have something in his sleeves.
Starrk (panel of his back looking onto his opponents): Lillynette,.... / Starrk (panel of wolves, who is presumed to Lillynette): ....attack both.
Love: ! / Rose: !
Wolves charge forward to attack Love and Rose.
Love (panel on Rose): Stay behind me,...... / Love (panel on his shikai): ....I'll finish this battle. / Starrk kept looking serious.
Wolves duck the Love's shikai swing and surrounds him. / And one appears right behind his back.
That wolf is forming a cero. / All the wolves hit Love with cero is all the the directions.
Smokes can be seen from far way. / A close-up on smoke.
Rose: Love! / Rose looks extremely concerned.
Starrk: Lillynette, be on your guard, he is not done yet. / One of the wolves look up angrily.
7 - Cover Pic
Pic of Lillynette on Starrk's shoulders.
Title says: "Lone Wolf".
Lillynette (in one of the wolf form): Of course he is done, he can't survive that many ceros. / Love (from the smokes): Really?
Lillynette is startled. / Smoke is clearing up.
Rose looks on intently. / Love's foot can be seen.
Love appears with singed clothes.
Rose smiles. / Starrk looks unfazed. / Wolves look menacingly.
Rose (panel on Love): Enough taking on battle alone,.... / Rose (holds out his shikai): ....I'm joining in.
Rose says his shikai command. / Rose's shikai is a complex harp with strings, blow-horn, buttons and built-in composer's wand.
Rose pulls a complex harp move. / Love pulls flame out his shikai.
Strings surround the wolves.
Starrk looks concerned. / Flames catches the strings. Flames spread throughout the strings.
Wolves looks worried. / Rose plays another complex harp move.
Strings pull inside to engulf the wolves.
Starrk pulls out his hand in a strange manner. / Flames accelerate towards wolves. / Wolves disappear from within there
Two guns appear within Starrk's hands as before. / Starrk looks on seriously.
Love (exasperated while looking at strings that was burned out with no wolves in inside) : Where did the wolves go? / Rose (pointing at Starrk's direction): Looks, like he got them safely just in time.
Love (to Starrk): It seems that you are dependent on that weapon of yours. / Rose (to Starrk): If we destroy it, you are helpless.
Lillynette (in gun form to Starrk but their opponents can't hear them): Why did you resummon me, you could have attacked them when they were distracted.
Starrk looks at Lillynette with a frown. / Starrk (to Lillynette but their opponents can't hear them): Do you think I'll let you get hurt.
Panel on Starrk's face which looks bit saddened. / Panel on Lillynette in gun form. Panel on Stark with guns in his hand.
Starrk (to his opponent): You two are more persistant than my previous duo of opponents. / Love smiles.
Love (smiling): Shunsui-san and Ukitake-san are bit light-hearted in battles. / Rose: We are more serious and finish the business as soon as possible.
Starrk points gun at them. / Starrk: I want to finish this too.
Starrk fires thousand ceros thingy.
It reached Rose and Love in an instant.
It seemed to have hit them. The ceros continued to progress and destroyed some background buildings.
Lillynette (in gun form): We got them, right, Starrk? / Starrk: Not entirely sure.
Lillynette (in gun form): What, it was freaking thousand ceros, they must have grind to dust. / Starrk,s smiled.
Starrk: Lillynette, they seemed to be strong. / Starrk sensed something.
Rose and Love appears behind him with some blood on their body but they look fine other that.
Starrk turns back.
Lillynetter (in gun form and is shocked by their opponents' survival): How the hell did they survive? / Starrk (to his opponents): You lot are toughie.
Love: We say the same to you guys. / Starrk: Thank You.
Rose: You got a some hell of a cero guns. / Starrk: I suppose I agree.
Rose: It would be great for us if you both didn't work together anymore. / Starrk: What?
Rose puts on his hollow mask. / Starrk looks with a confusing look.
Rose sings with his mask. / Lillynette (in gun form): What the....
Starrks's gun appears on either side of his forehead. / Starrk: Lillynette....
by: Mad_Scientist
Love and Rose are looking up at Starrk and the wolf pack with surprised expressions.
Rose: "Those wolves... they don't look anything like Hollows. And where did they come from?"
Love: "His guns are gone... perhaps they turned into them?"
In reponse to what Love said, Starrk responds with "That's a good guess... but can you guess what powers these wolves have? If you can't..."
The wolves charge down towards Love. Chapter title is "Guessed Wrong".
Love: "Whatever these wolves are, I'll blow them away!" He uses his fire mallet technique with his mask, and aims it at the wolves, which creates a massive explosion and a wave of fire that flies into the sky. But several wolves emerge from the flames, completely unaffected.
Love: "Are they not even solid? Damnit, I don't want them to get close to me without even knowing what they are?" Love starts running away from the wolves. "Rose! Do you have any ideas?!" A wolf is very close to him now, so he swings his club and hits it. The wolf dissipates. "At least that works... !!!!!" Suddenly Love is surrounded on all sides by them.
Rose: "Play (like playing a musical instrument, if there's a specific word for that in Japanese), *whatever his sword is named.*" Rose unleashes his shikai, which turns into some sort of musical instrument. I'm thinking a guitar actually. It still has blades on it, and he can swing it around like a sword of course, but that's not his main power.
Rose uses an attack with a music themed name, and several of the wolves explode, opening up a path for Love to escape. The wolves pause briefly and look at Rose and Love.
Love: "Thanks, but I would have been fine. I haven't gone all out yet."
Rose: "If he can push you that much so easily, then he must be strong indeed. So perhaps it is better if I prepare myself for a serious fight right from the start?"
Starrk: "You, with the long hair. That's an interesting ability you have there."
Rose: "I could say the same for your ability. Those wolves... their odd appearance, combined with the fact that they could go right through flame unharmed yet got swatted away by Love's cudgel... they're a form of cero, aren't they?"
Starrk: "That's right."
Love: "Fortunately, my shikai is very good at dispersing many types of energy, including those of ceros."
Starrk: "Is that so? Why is it that everyone I fight has an ability to deal with ceros? Such a pain... but I wonder, just how many can you disperse at once?"
Suddenly, the wolves start splitting into two, and those wolves start splitting into two, and....
Love: "What the hell? How are they multiplying like that? Is he somehow feeding them his reiatsu at this distance?"
Rose puts on his mask and does a special move with greater power, dealing with a lot of the wolves. Love starts spinning his club like crazy, wracking them aside left and right. But they just keep increasing in number, and Love and Rose are forced to move around a lot to avoid them.
Love: "I can't believe he's pushing us this far with just ceros."
Starrk: "With 'just' ceros, I'll make you use your bankai."
Love: "Sheesh. Like that will happen!"
Rose: "If we continue to do nothing but fight these constantly multiplying wolves, it will happen. We have to break through them and attack him."
Love: "Yah, you're right. Let's go!"
The wolves seem to respond to this, and a ton of them cluster together inbetween Starrk and the two Vizards.
Rose: "A foolish mistake. Clustering the wolves together so tightly will only make them easier to deal with."
Starrk: "If that was all I was doing, it would be so. But actually, your first guess was wrong... now Lillinette."
We see a couple of panels showing Starrk's two guns, which are actually hidden in separate locations among all the rubble, starting to fire. At the same moment that the horde of wolf ceroes charge at Love and Rose from above, a thousand regular ceros rushes at them from two separate locations from below.
Chapter ends with a vague panel that makes it impossible to tell what actually happens next.

TAGS: Bleach, Bleach 373, Bleach 373 Raw, Bleach Manga 373, Bleach Spoilers, Bleach Manga Spoilers, Bleach 373 Spoilers, Bleach , Bleach 373, Bleach Anime, Bleach Chapter 373, Bleach 373 Predictions, Bleach 373 Wordpress, Bleach 373 Blogspot, Bleach 373 English, Bleach 373 Confirmed Spoiler, Bleach 373 Read Online, Bleach 373 Download, Bleach 373 Onemanga, Bleach 373 Mangahelpers, Bleach 373 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Bleach 373 Narutofan, Bleach 373 Bleachcentral, Bleach 373 Bleachexile, Bleach Asylum, Naruto, Naruto 463, Naruto 463 Raw, Naruto Manga 463,One piece 557, One Piece 557 Raw Spoilers
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