Friday, May 28, 2010

Bleach 406 Raw Spoilers and Predictions


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by: Prediction.Junkie

Bleach 407: Decide 8

Aizen armor is cut in half while Isshhin has a puzzeled look on his face

Urahara: So that Armor was'nt the final act but just a cacoon for Aizens transformation..
Yoruchi: What the hell is he?
Isshin stares at Aizen and see's that he has a hole in his chest with a pale white body
Aizen: I am the perfect breed between Hollow and Shinigami.As you can tell the former captains of SS were my expeiments in seeing if the two species can be one.
Isshin: Your just a crazed mad man..
Aizen then uses sonido and appears behind Isshin
Aizen: I had enough of your interruption...*He starts to form a cero and hit Isshin at point blank range which hurdles Isshin across the fields*...
Urahara: Go tend to Isshin while I discuss matters with this new subject..
Aizen: Now as I was saying..Those captains were my experiments but as you can tell their shinigami side over powered their hollow side which why they only can call on their masks...My former partner Tosen was over powered by his hollow side and thus his shinigami self vanished
Urahara: So this all sums up to you and Ichigo, What about the Gin kid?
Aizen: Like he needs anymore power than he has...

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Ichigo blood is shown everywhere....
Ichimaru: Whats the matter? You cant run anymore....
Ichigo: Matsumoto is closing in...I gotta get him away.

Ichimaru: Hmmm? Well isnt that a familiar Rieatsu.
Ichigo starts to ru the opposite direction but Ichimaru just stares at him
chigo: Shit he isnt following me...*Getsuga Tenshou*!
Ichimaru then holds his ground as the Getsuga approaches...
Ichigo: What?!?!?
Ichimaru: As I suspected your trying make me follow you...If that was an attack, It would've been more powerful but it dissappeared once it got to me. Are you trying tosave your Rieastu or are you tryna get me away from something?

Ichigo: *This guy*....Are you afraid to fight me?
Ichimaru: Hmm?
Ichigo: Im over here..are you tryna keep your distance or are you just scared to fight me?
Ichimaru: Well this is starting to become amusing...I see your using the same head games as i.
Ichimaru then shoots off his sword
Ichimaru: You already know my purpose..*Starts to look at the other direction*.
Ichigo: Shit he found out?

this is a PREDICTION not a Spoiler

Urahara and Aizen stare at eachother as the most smartest men in Soul Society!Aizen: Unlike Ichigo Im able to stay in my complete transformation...
Urahara: Thats interesting...
Aizen: Ichigo has the power to either stay a shinigami, become a full hollow or be a balance of both...
Urahara: What a unique power he has...But Im sorry to say but you can never be a regular shinigami again...
Aizen: HAHAHAHAHAHAH...*Aizen true side is revealed*.....Normal? Im gonna rip that shinigami heart in half and I will become the New Leader of all three worlds! Hueco Mundo, Earth, Soul Society!
Urahara: Your as obsessed as ever just like you were when we were kids...

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A flashback is shown as a child Aizen is shown stealing fruit from a store...
Kid Aizen: Hehehe...
Kid Aizen then gets cornered into a wall in the alley
Store Owners: Where you think your going kid? O your gonna get a taste of my knife..
A beaten and cut Aizen is seen coming out of the alley and falls on the floor
Kid Urahara: I got you...*smiles*.
Kid Aizen: *Smiles and then faints*...

Next time on bleach: Aizen and Urahara Past 1
By: Prediction.Junkie

Bleach 406: Masumoto's Dying Breath!

Isshin: Getsuga Tenshou!
Ichigo: What!?! Thats my attack?
Ichimaru: Hmm?That Isshin is truly scary...You must be proud Kurosaki..
Ichigo: I hope you arent tryna distract me...*gasp* Im out of Rieastu...
Ichimaru: Didnt I tell you to run? Theres a nearby healer there..I'll still be here waiting Kurosaki.
Ichigo: Sorry you guys but I cant fight him like this...*Whats wrong wih me*?
Ichigo starts to run towards unohana who is healing the captains
*Spiral Sword: Fang of a Wolf*

Do not repost Prediction.Junkie's writings -- ASK PERMISSION FIRST!!

Ichigo: That liar!
Ichimaru sword starts to extend and bends in a spiral towards ichigo back
Ichigo: I cant dodge! *Starts to hollowficate but it appears to stop half way*..I'm sorry everyone.
All of a sudden blood splatter on Ichigos face, Matsumoto seem to jumped into Ichimaru attack
Ichigo: Why? Why? Why?!?!
Matsumoto: This is my fight Ichigo, you go and get yourself healed Now!
Ichigo: But?
Matsumoto: If you die here with me then whats the point? Your more stronger than me so you have to survive!
Ichigo: *Looks up at Matsumoto face* Right!
Ichimaru: You should'nt have done that..
Matsumoto: *Spits out blood* Pant..Pant.. What are you trying to accomplished?
Ichimaru: Didnt I already tell you? Aizen-sama saved me so I will serve my purpose as his sword..

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Matsumoto: Hes tricking you?!?! He placed a illusion on everyone at SS...How do you know he didnt do it to you?!?!
Ichimaru: *Starts to open his shirt*...
Matsumoto: !!! How could you?
Ichimaru: If your thinking if its wether I dis-trust Aizen or i am being controlled your wrong. I trust lord Aizen because he was the one who pulled me from the loneliness...
Ichimaru shirt completly come off and reveals lashes and scars over his body
Ichimaru: Day and night I strike myself with my sword to see if im under any illusion
Matsumoto:*Cough* Blood starts to spew out of her mouth...
Ichimaru: I am the exact opposite of Aizen so thats why were attracted to each other..My sword has the power to bring the brain to its senses and calm people down..
Matsumoto: So why would you strike yourself? To get rid of aizens control?
Ichimaru: Hmph...I never once encountered myself under the control of Aizen...Thats why Im still by his side..

Ichigo arrives at Unohana and she seemed to heal all the captains
Ichigo: Hurry up I have to go help Matsumoto!
Unohana: Right!
Captain Hitsugaya: *Matsumoto*...!
Isshin: Hoyy hoyy...That wasnt even a full power Getsuga Tenshou...Stop playing dead Aizen
Aizen: I have to end this...Even fighting these special Captains is troublesome...
Yoruchi: Way to go easy on him Ishhin! You just cost us our lives...
Isshin: I was just letting Urahara get a little piece of him...Especially what he did to him...
Urahara: *Stares at a hidden Aizen under the rocks*...You had to go and place me in that situation...

Matsumoto: Well I came here just to hear that...Now I know theres no way to bring you back when you when theres nothing to bring back...
Ichimaru: Hmm?
Matsumoto: Finish me...*Im already dying and I bought Ichigo enough time*
Ichimaru: As you wish.
*Spiral Sword: Fang of a Wolf*

this is a PREDICTION not a Spoiler

The sword then reaches Matsumoto face in mili-seconds!

*Sit upon the freezing heavens: Hyōrinmaru:*

Next time on Bleach: Tōshirō Hitsugaya Words of Friendship!

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