Bleach 405
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by: Ohana - 2Ch

Rangiku still running
You're not fully recovered! kira cries
isshin, urahara and yoruichi continues to fight Aizen
Gin : ichigo u are soo weak? trying to escape?
papa uses getsuga tenshou
Ai-chan slash away ( somehow Im not sure what does バッサ mean..could be he neggate GT with one slash or something)
front cover page is captain commander
spine is white? next week is hiyori
Kira tries to call out to Matsumoto but a wound opens up and he can't get it out.
She's been healed barely enough to keep her alive, but her treatment wasn't finished.
Gin says to Ichigo, "How boring. So weak? You were scarier before. You should run away.
Scene changes to Aizen.
Aizen watches Urahara and Yoruichi in conversation. Urahara ask what he's looking at.
Aizen says something to the fact that even Urahara's conversation is a tactic to distract his attention.
Not exactly sure what he's saying here, but it's something about leaving Urahara back in SS and taking an interest in him since he's only being whose intellect surpasses his own.
Urahara says he overestimates himself and unleashes hadou 32, yellow fire flash. Using that as a smoke screen Yoruichi appears in front of Aizen.
Aizen reads her move, but she uses shunkou and he's slammed into the ground.
Yoruichi pursues him, but Aizen halts of later attacks.
Urahara takes over and he shoots out something like a net from the tip of Benehim to entangle Aizen. He then uses the "rosary tie" technique to make the net explode.
Aizen says, "You think something like that..." As the blast disperses Isshin appears and uses getsuga tenshou to slash him.
Cover is Yamamoto being cool as usual.
Here 69ruma is wondering when Muguruma's going to be on the cover, and whether or not he's been on the spine yet.
by: Prediction.Addict
Bleach 405: Limit Of Hygoukou And The Fall Of A Warrior
Aizen: So all of my forces are gone......
Urahara: Even the Hygoukou cant be used for this long unless your able to train with it.
Isshin: Hoyy Hoyy Aizen what will you do now?
Yoruchi: Im heading over to Ichigo, he seems to be having difficulty with that kids Shikai..
Isshin: That kid does have a wierd Zanpouktou...I'd better watch my back especially with that kinda sword.
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Ichigo: Getsuga Tenshou!!!!
Ichimaru clearly dodges it and takes his stance
Ichimaru: Why do you intend on fighting when you already know the outcome?
Ichigo: Because everyone is counting on me to pull through and I cant let them done.
Ichimaru: Im a mere soldier in Captain Aizen army...If you cant beat me how do you inted to fight him?
Rangiku: Because he has friends that will back him up through whatever!!
Ichigo: Rangiku-san!
Rangiku: Stay out of this Ichigo this is my fight...
Ichimaru: Hoyyy? What a intresting outcome....
Ichigo: But your hurt! You wont be able to dodg.........
*Dancing Step: Serial Blade*
Rangiku blocks it with her Shikai
Rangiku:Hmph...huh...huh...Its really simple Ichigo...His Shikai expands at 13km but his special move allows him to retract his sword at lighting speed.
Ichigo: So hes able to keep launching his blade without openings?
Rangiku: But he also has a flaw when he does this...
Ichimaru: Hmmmm....
Rangiku: *Smiles* All these years with you Ichimaru you should've notice me learning your everymove and weakness.
Ichimaru: I see I wasan't the only one spying in SS...
Rangiku: Once his blade extracts then he is unable to move since hes getting ready for it to retract so theres your chance.
Ichigo: Got it...
Rangiku: ill try to be his target and you sneak up on him. *She jumps at Ichimaru uses her Shikai*
*Dancing Step: Serial Blade*
Rangiku: NOW ICHIGO!!
Ichimaru: Hmph! Bankai....
Rangiku: AHHHhhhh.....
Ichigo: Rangiku-san!!!!!
Ichimaru: My Bankai allows me to speed up my sword and the length also...It even burns the air which my sword pass.
Ichigo: Its that fast...*Shit*..
This is a PREDICTION not a spoiler
Urahara: Guess someone is outta shape after all these years.
Yoruchi: Isshin why arent you helping us attc....
Isshin: How clumsy of me..
A sword is sticking from Isshin chest
Ichigo looks at the length of Ichimaru sword as he retract it back...
Rangiku: Isshin...
Ichigo: DAD!!!!!!!!!!
Isshin is seen being pulled to Ichimaru as his sword reached from the other side of Karakura Town
Next time on Bleach 406: Isshins finally reveal what Ichigo has inside of him!
Bleach 405: Ichimaru Last Words
Rangiku is seen roaming the streets appearing hurt and lonely from the start
Rangiku: I thought it was a dream Ichimaru but it cant be true...You of all people who had my heart.
Ichimaru: So Ichigo any last words? You cant keep dodging my attacks.
Ichigo: Shit its too fast..
Ichimaru: Given up already? You surprise me Ichigo...What happened to the will to win?
Ichigo: !!!!!
Ichimaru: Like we dont have eyes and ears at our own base...How foolish. *hmph*?
Rangiku is seen using her Shikai to block Ichigo from Ichimaru
Ichimaru: What a surprise Rangiku-san.
Rangiku falls to her knees from pain fighting the other 3 vizards
Ichimaru: What a shame Rangiku-san, you could've been fighting right beside me but instead you failed at reaching me at the mountain. Come with me?
Rangiku is in thought.
Rangiku: *Whispers* How could you? I gave you happiness and i.i..i..GAVE YOU MY..
Ichimaru: Cut it out!
Rangiku: !!!
Ichimaru: You were just a pawn for Captain Aizens plan. How did you think I came to the spot I was at the day you found me?
Rangiku: So it was all a act? *In deep Thought*
Ichigo: Rangiku dont forget you have Captain Hitsuyga now!
Rangiku: !!!!! *smiles*......Thank you Ichigo.
Rangiku: BANKAI !!!
Ichigo: BANKAI !!!
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Isshin: hoyyy looks like the kids are getting serious...BANKAI !!!
Urahara: It appears to be...BANKAI !!!
Yoruchi: Hmph..BANKAI !!!
Aizen: Hmmmm? A new found faith I see...
Ichimaru: *Both of them can be some trouble*....BANKAI !!!!
Ichigo: You get the back...ill deal with him head on...
Rangiku: This Rieatsu...How can Ichigo be so cold?
Aizen slids back with a arm cut in half....
Aizen: Three Captains of their power can be a little obstacle for me...
Isshin: Ooo Looks like the mighty Aizen is falling..
Yoruchi: Well we are former canidates for SS squad 0..
Urahara: Stay on your guard He still has his Ba...
Aizen: *Whispers* Bankai...
Yoruchi: !!!!
Isshin: Shit!!!!
Urahara:*So early even for him*..
Ichimaru: * Too push Aizen to this extent...He must've not gotten used to Hgyokou Powers*...
This is a PREDICTION not a spoiler
Meanwhile at Hueco Mundo
Yammy: Hahahah you little shits look like cocaroaches!
Byakuya: Bankai....
Kenpachi: At this rate Im gonna die...What kinda Captain would I be if I let this punk be me....
Mayuri then jumps next to Kenpachi and injects him with a special needle
Kenpachi: What the hell did you do, you sneaky rat!
Mayuri: Calm down you big baffoon..I injected you with some special medice from the last Vizards laboratory...It temporarily gives you your inner strength..In other words...
Kenpachi: ?
Byakuya: !
Mayuri: You can use your Bankai...
Kenpachi: Your actually quite useful....*Lets see what this thing can do* BANKAI !!!
Yammy: Hmmm?
The ground starts to shake as Kenpachi is seen Laughing uncontrollably
Next Time on Bleach: Battle Royal of Bankai's!!!
by: Prediction.Junkie
Bleach 405: The Secret Behind Yoruichi Leg!
Urahara: Yoruichi!!!
Yoruichi: Well isnt someone alittle caring about me.
Urahara: I was merely testing my vocals.
Yoruichi: Hmph!
Aizen: I see that is really a truly special leg.
Yoruichi: As you can tell I dont carry my sword on my side or back like any one else.
Yoruichi: it was a while back after I left Soul Society because of the wrong doings by you and the way they shunned my former student Urahara.
Aizen: Whats your point? Do not delay your obliteration.
Isshin: Cocky moron.
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Ichimaru: I see your mask designs have changed.
Ichigo: *They have?* Whats your point?
Ichimaru: The more it changes the more you lose your...
Ichigo: What?!
Ichimaru: Humanity! Once your mask turns fully white your human Riatsu which is the red strips on your mask dissappears. Do you remember what they said about Riatsu? Your own is a certain color and that color is red!
Ichigo: Your lying I feel fine! I just been overusing the mask and developing more power.
Ichimaru: Have you become a monster lately?
Ichigo:!!!!!! *Remembers how he turned into a hollow and Ulquirroa remiindind him its impossible for a human to become what he became that moment.
Ichimaru suddenly got a step behind ichigo and points the tip of the sword at his head *Dancing step: Serial Blade*
Suddenly someone hugs Ichimaru from behind
Ichimaru: This smell *Then lowers his weapon*.
Aizen: * I see Ichimaru has an unwelcoming guest*. I have to make my move before she ets to him! *Shushin steps to Ichimaru*.
Isshin: Is he after Ichigo?!?!?!
Urahara: Lets go!
Yoruichi: AAHHH cant a lady tell her story!!!!!
Urahara: Hes after Rangiku!
This is a PREDICTION not a spoiler
Rangiku: (In a hurt voice) Please stop Ichi...
Ichimaru: Rangiku...
Aizen is seen coming in fast, Ichigo starts to jump back
Rangiku: I love you.
Ichigo: Rangiku behind you!!!!
Aizen is seen with his blade covered in blood
Ichimaru: I
Rangiku: Ichimaru!!!!!
Ichigo sees as Aizen has his subordinate at the buck of his blade
Isshin: He threw her out the way....
Ichmaru: I guess you were right Ichigo...I was bound to die by his hands.
Next time on bleach: Ichimaru last words!
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