First of all, here's the rundown:
Ichigo gets shaken up by Aizen's speech
Furthermore, Aizen tells Ichigo that the focus of his own quest was for Ichigo's growth,
from the meeting with Rukia and sudden attack from a hollow, the menos appearing for the quincy's scattered bait,
finding Rukia in the living world, and being reported to SS,
fighting with Shinigami captains in SS and everyone else, forcing Ichigo's power to rise,
didn't he think it was strange? - so says Aizen to Ichigo while stopping his slashes with a hand.
and all the while Aizen is still unharmed, "Isn't it the truth that I know everything about you?" He asks Ichigo.
From Rukia staying in the living work out of duty, who do you think,
gave Renji the Reiatsu detection equipment to seek her out, who do you think,
gave the vice-captains the report about Ichigo and co.'s progress and other information, who do you think,
besides me, who could after all, have over a 100 years to confirm the whereabouts of the hougyoku?
And after all that he asks Ichigo whether he has the confidence to say that he knows it all perfectly
Aizen has, from the beginning, since he had been born, has something to tell him.
You've been special the moment you were born, especially why you became a shinigami-
and at this point, Isshin comes, and then it's on to next week.
I think it's been half a year since I've felt like this.
Ichigo is agitated by Aizen's words.
Furthermore, Aizen says he aided in Ichigo's growth because he believed Ichigo would become the greatest raw material for his own personal quest.
That the hollow appeared immediately after his meeting with Rukia; that the menos appeared because of the Quincy bait;
That Rukia was discovered in the real world, and that the circumstances were well reported in SS;
That in SS the captain class shinigami Ichigo fought all had strength comparable to his Ichigo's at the time.
"Didn't you think those were all strange? " Ichigo swings his sword at Aizen but Aizen stops it with his palm.
Aizen continues speaking. He asks Ichigo, "How could I know all the facts?
Who do you think had Rukia stationed in the real world?
Who gave Renji's equipment the ability to detect reiatsu?
Who provided the Vice Captains with the information regarding the direction of your moments?
Was I truly unable to pinpoint the location of the hougyoku for the past 100 years?"
After he finishes Ichigo asks Aizen for the basis of his conviction that Ichigo would become his greatest raw material.
Aizen responds, "It's because I knew you from the beginning, from the time you were born.
In addition you were special from the moment of your birth. Because you are a shingami and..."
Aizen stops mid sentence as Isshin has arrived. Until next week.
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