Naruto 476 (23-Pages) and One Piece 568 (19-pages) are up!

by: Ohana - 2Ch/ Negativezero-BA
Tousen turns into Ryuk (Or something like a Fly person)
Tousen with his eyes open: .... I can see... I can see....! I can see, Komamura...!!!! Fu... HAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAH I can see, I can see, I can see, I can see!!!! Is that the sky?! Is this blood?!! Is this the world?! ---- Is that you, Komamura? Just like I thought, you're quite ugly.
And what is torn to pieces...!?
bleach 386 TEH BESTIAL
In front of his dead friend's grave,
Tousen: For the sake of justice, she loved this world, and thus for the sake of this world and for upholding justice she became a shinigami. I, for that justice that she wanted to uphold, have disappeared. I, who had bet my own life to follow her, have decided. That is why I became a shinigami.
Komamura parrying attacks
Komamura: Tousen--- At that time, I felt that your words carried a faint lie. No matter how many times you said, "the world that she loves," never did you say, "the world that I love".
I understood then, "ah, how cruel has the world been to this man?" and I thought that knowledge was enough. That you didn't dwell on the past, I thought it was fine, not even on the one who took away your beloved friend.
"And perhaps he can learn to love the world, if such a man could blurt out those saintly words, then it should be alright, " I thought. That is why I decided then, to become a true friend to you. I will accept your sorrows, I will share happiness with you, if you strayed from the path, I will scold you, if you sinned, I will forgive you and if you were in trouble, I will support you. So that this man who could not love the world, will once again learn to love it.
Myouou tried beheading Tousen, - but Tousen using ultrasonic waves(?), uses, "Los Suebe Aspectos (9 rings of death)"
This hits Myouou in the stomach, and he collapses. Komamura collapes: ...Tousen...
A hollow hole opens in Tousen's chest.
He looks down at the fallen Komamura.
Tousen: ... Should we end this, Komamura, with words about justice.
Komamura (It's not over yet, Tetsuzaemon, it's not over, Hisagi. ..... It's not over, Tousen, I will definitely----- I will kill you.)
Tousen's head is stabbed.
Hisagi: .... like I thought, you're no longer Tousen-taichou... that you who could not see... would not fall to a strike of this degree.
Hisagi, with his eyes closing: Reap, Kazeshini
Tousen bleeds from the mouth.
His dead friend appears.
Tousen: Who is this? How strange, I was sure you were gone. Who is this? I can't see. I can't see anything.
The end.
Tousen transforms into Ryuk
Myouou is damaged, and Hisagi is down.
The issue spine is Rukia.
The cover(?) poster is Ichigo and Aizen
Translator's Note: Bleach isn't the cover of shounen jump this week, but they mentioned that it had a poster and news special or something
The back, however, is only Ichigo
Kazeshini is Hisagi's, right? So yeah, Hisagi is down.
Tousen transformed, and he looks like Death Note's Ryuk.
Kazeshini wasn't thrown.
Hisagi springs on Ryuk!Tousen from above,
to stab his head from behind.
The drawing is really awesome. The shading was drawn completely black.
Well, Tousen was probably hit, when he was stabbed, he had a flashback.
When he was stabbed, they show the friend's face
Quick summary, its really short so not really worth doing an accurate one.
Tousen's transformation looks like Ryuuk from Death note.
Tengen Myoou gets wtfpwned
Hisagi defeats Tousen
Hisagi gets on top of Ryuuk-Tousen and uses Kazeshini to stab his head from behind
There is a flashback of Tousen's friend
Theres some godies featured in Jump this week.
Rukia on the book spine.
First page features Ichigo and Aizen.
Back page has Rukia on it.
There is talk about a movie coming out next winter, details in the next issue.
Please DO NOT get confused
PREDICTIONS are different from SPOILERS
PREDICTIONS are different from SPOILERS
by: sux2bme
Bleach 386 The Pharaoh
Tousen: (turns into darkness)
Komamura: what the hell... your bankai, it's not...
Tousen: i told you komamura, this is my resurrecion...
Komamura: instead of removing all my senses, you became...
Tousen: darkness itself... right komamura...
Komamura: (uses bankai and hits tousen but tousen wasn't hit at all...)
Tousen: i told you, i am darkness...
Komamura: physical immunity...
Tousen: yes... darkness is like night... all your attacks are going to go through me... like nothing happened...
Komamura: Black coffin...
Tousen: foolish... i am darkness... i'll take the light away from those whom i've promised to kill... for my friend!!!(dark cannon)
Komamura: (was hit)...
Komamura: you don't know my powers too well... tousen...
Tousen: so...
Komamura: spatial...
tousen: what... is this??? (trap by koma's bankai...)
Komamura: have you no idea, why my shikai just appear out of nowhere???it's because my bankai is from another dimension...
if i can't kill you, then i'm going to seal you in my bankai's dimension...
Aizen: so that's you shikai... truly powerful...
Shinji: hmph...
Shinji: because of my shikai... even though your kyoka suigetsu still works with me... i can make its effectiveness go down to 100%, and i can attack you with a chance of...
Aizen: 50%... right? hmmm... even though i can't use my power on you... you still got one wrong though...(attacks on the left hand but shinji uses his shikai that made aizen attack with a right kick aimed at the back shinji, then attacks...
Aizen: truly interesting... because your powers reverses everything... it also reverses the shikai i put you in to its dormant state...
aizen: however if you attack me... the reversing stops... so you really can't attack me and i can't attack you without one getting damaged...... haha
shinji: what's so funny???
aizen: don't you get it?
shinji: huh???
yamamoto and shunsui: (hits shinji...)
shinji: what the fuck?!?
aizen: if i can't attack you, then i'll have to make them attack you...
the end...
by: Darthsorrow
Bleach 386 Prediction
Recap of Aizen crushing the soul and light effect... Yada yada!
After light effect goes off we see Aizen, but he has full-armor body and his eyes are red he is also bit bigger.
Aizen: "This is the perfect one!"
Bodyguard: "I gotta stop him!" *He nullifies special kidou effect so that he doesnt get paralyzed. After this he attacks Aizen and trys stabbing attack, but Aizen dodges all of them without moving*
Aizen: "Is that all?" *He punches to bodyguards stomach and pukes lot of blood*
"Now to take care of Spirit king himself."
Using his reiatsu he makes a hole to caves roof and sonidoes up. He sees spirit king.
Spirit king: "Are you now satisfied with yourself, Aizen?"
Aizen: "Definetly!" *He sonidoes and it doesnt take even a second and he is already next to king* You dont stand a chance against me."
They begin to fight, but Aizen gains huge advantage already... He defeats the king.
Aizen: "Kings dead!"
Ichigo comes out of the cave with his mask on: "AIZEN!!! GETSUGA TENSHOU!!!"
Aizen: "Still want to stop me?" *Getsuga tenshou gets repelled without touching Aizen*
Ichigo: "What a...? How?"
Aizen: "Thanks to this perfect body, my all abilites are greater than before... My reiatsu is so huge that reiatsu itself repelled the attack. The best thing is that Im not even releasing any reiatsu. There is 0% chance for you to win Kurosaki Ichigo and others. Now I will have to kill you."
Ichigo is preparing for Aizens attack, but all suddenly his chest is bleeding...
Ichigo: "When did you...? You didnt even move...!
Aizen: "After the word kill... Farewell Kurosaki Ichigo!" *Aizen sees Gin* "Lets go Gin! We shall finish our job here... This world will soon see new creation of God!"
AIZEN IS TOO POWERFUL EVEN TO SPIRIT KING HIMSELF!!! How is Ichigo going to beat Aizen? Find out in the next chapter of AIZENS AWESOMNESS!!
Bleach, Bleach 385 Predictions, Bleach 385, Bleach 385 Raw, Bleach Spoilers, Bleach 385 Spoilers, Bleach Manga Spoilers, Bleach Anime, Bleach 385 English, Naruto 475, Naruto 475 Spoilers, Naruto 475 Predictions, Naruto 475 Confirmed Spoilers, Naruto 475 English, One Piece 568, One Piece 568 RAW, One Piece 568 Spoilers, Bleach 386 Predictions, Bleach 386, Bleach 386 Raw, Bleach Spoilers, Bleach 386 Spoilers, Bleach Manga Spoilers, Bleach Anime, Bleach 386 English, Naruto 476, Naruto 476 Spoilers, Naruto 476 Predictions, Naruto 476 Confirmed Spoilers, Naruto 476 English, One Piece 567, One Piece 567 RAW, One Piece 567 Spoilers
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