Bleach 382: The United Front (Discordeque Mix)
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Bleach 383 Predictions are up!

Bleach 383 Predictions are up!

Bleach 383 Predictions are up!

Bleach 383 Predictions are up!

Bleach 383 Predictions are up!

Bleach 383 Predictions are up!
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Bleach 383 Predictions are up!

Bleach 383 Predictions are up!

Bleach 383 Predictions are up!

Bleach 383 Predictions are up!

Bleach 383 Predictions are up!

Bleach 383 Predictions are up!

by: Ohana - 2Ch
Translation by: sheetz - FLOL
Ichigo rushes to the real world to defeat aizen. Will he really be able to prevail...!?
Ichigo and Unohana run through the garganta.
Their path is interrupted, maybe because Ichigo's reatsu is scattered.
Unohana:"...Kurosakisan, if you don't mind I'll run in front."
Ichigo" Huh? If you're worried about my reaitsu expenditure it's fine."
She interrupts him with a frightening face. "If you don't mind I'll run in front."
Ichigo, a bit frightened: "Yes...please....I'm sorry."
Bleach 382
The United Front [Discordeque Mix]
As Unohana runs in front she is able to make a clear path.
Ichigo: "Wow...with captain level reaitsu the path is so clear. It's really
shocking the difference..."
Unohana: "As far as reiatsu goes you are similar.
From the looks of things your wounds are healed, so even at 100% your
reiatsu is rough, and so not suitable for doing this."
Ichigo: "That's not true! If my reiatsu were 100% I'd be much better!"
Unohana: "My, your eyes are opened too wide for you to be sleep talking."
Ichigo: "Hey, isn't that harsh?! I mean, I'm not sleep talking or joking!!
Look at this! I only have my right sleeve.
When I use bankai my clothes change. Somehow these clothes are like they are part of my bankai.
As proof when Inoue healed my wounds my clothes were only restored a bit.
I was wondering why whenever Inoue healed me that my clothes were fixed as well.
Somehow Inoue heals wounds quickly, but restoring reiatsu appears to be slower.
When I rushed down after Rukia and the others were reiatsu
still hadn't been restored yet.
That's why my reiatsu is that way!
If it were completely restored..."
Unohana is surprised. ("His clothes are only half of normal, so does that mean
his reiatsu is half?")
Ichigo: "?"
Unohana: "Was I mistaken in thinking that his reiatsu which rivals captains was 100%?"
Unohana: "...Kurosaki-san, please run in front."
If you continue the movement from here your reiatsu will be restored to its limit."
Ichigo: "Movement...while I'm running? I don't think it..."
Unohana: "It can. Initially, healing with kido in many cases restores the reiatsu first.
Furthermore, by means of the internal reiatsu and the healer, the external reiatsu and the flesh are then restored.
Restoring your reiatsu once the body has been healed will not be a problem. Now Kurosaki-san, to the front."
Unohana: ("If that reiatsu is truly only half of his limit...he may very well be the trump card...!")
Kenpachi: "Yaaaaaa"
Yammi's leg(?) is cut off.
Kenpachi: "...chi"
He stands in front of the fallen Yammi's face.
Kenpachi: "Finally knocked down that sturdy bastard."
Hey, you done you big oaf?
Yo, Kuchiki Byakuya!! This dude's finished!! I'll leave him to you!!"
Byakuya: "...I don't know what you mean."
Kenpachi: "You stupid? You were just lounging around watching up till now.
Since there's only the finishing blow left I meant I'll just let you handle it."
Byakuya: "...I see. You're saying I should clean up your leftovers? Know your place."
Kenpachi: "Landing the finishing blow on some weak guy doesn't suit me. You shouldn't be complaining.
Byakuya: "I refuse. Landing the finishing blow is more suited to the work of a barbarian such as yourself."
Kenpachi: "What the hell!?"
A gargantuan hand lands on the ground between the 2.
Yammi: "Damn...Damn..."
He opens his mouth and fires a cero.
Kenpachi dodges. "That was a big cero. That bastard still has some strength left, huh?"
Byakuya: "Really. How could you say "There's only the finishing blow left" when he's like that.
Don't think I'll show sympathy for such a shallow diagnosis
Kenpachi: "Ha! For me there would have only been a finishing blow. For you it seems you would have still had a lot of work to do!"
Byakuya glances at Kenpachi, drops his sword to the ground. "...Amusing." (bankai)
He shunpos over. "Whether I would have had a lot of work remaining, this blade will ascertain."
Kenpachi: "Amusing!! I also wanted us to fight each other one time!!"
Yammi goes in front of them. They both say, "...You're in the way"
Ken/Bya: "Get lost!!!:
The two slash his face.
Will it be ok in the end!?
Translation by: Spacecat
Bleach 382: The United Front
There is a conversation between Ichigo and Unohana.
Yammy and Kenpachi fight.
Kenpachi: Byakuya~ he's no good now~ you do the rest blah blah.
Byakuya: I refuse blah blah.
Yammy does cero.
Kenpachi and Byakuya do a combined attack.
The end.
More detailed one later.
TN: the blah blah is part of the translation, last week everyone presumed it was me throwing it in. It could be etc etc but I go with blah blah
Ohana added:
but it's just her comment on how it's typical of Kubo's style etc and not a spoiler.
(Just in case someone was going to ask).
by: optics
Bleach 382 Prediction
Shinji has just defeated Gin and can barely stand. All who are left standing are Aizen and Yamamoto.
Aizen: "You both stand no chance against me. I can still create the King's Key, it's up to you two wether or not you want to die during the process."
Shinji: "Ha, you fool, there's no one here in town to create the King's Key"
Aizen looks down at a wounded Shinji and smiles. Aizen then looks around the battlefield, looking at all those who had fallen.
Shinji is shocked: "Dammit!"
Aizen: "Exactly.... I will create the King's Key out of all those who have fallen and are fatally wounded."
Yamamoto lowers his head in disappointment.
As Aizen is about to start the process of making the King's Key, Ichigo arrives in FKT. Words are exchanged and Unohana tells Ichigo that she will start to heal the wounded.
Ichigo and Aizen clash swords. Ichigo realizes Aizen didn't stop his sword with his finger this time, this gives him confidence in the fight. As they are fighting, Aizen asks Ichigo to bring out his hollows powers. Ichigo does not respond, but Aizen can tell by his face that he can't. Ichigo just can't land any attacks, the only thing he hits is Aizen's Zanpakutou which he uses to defend himself. Aizen tries to release his Shikai, but notices that Ichigo closed his eyes. Aizen swings at Ichigo and Ichigo is bleeding non stop over the left side of his face. Aizen attacks Ichigo with several low level kidou. He then starts a level 90 incantation. Ichigo prepares for the attack. During the incantation, Aizen releases his Shikai. Ichigo got tricked and is now under hypnosis.
Unohana closes her eyes and lowers her head: "We've lost...."
Yamamoto closes his eye even more (bwuahaha)
Ichigo charges at Aizen and tries to cut him, but misses with every swing. Aizen dodges all of his attacks and is laughing at Ichigo and how powerless he has now become. Ichigo is now thinking at how he has lost his only advantage at winning, but must not give up. Ichigo fires off a huge Getsuga which completely wiped out several blocks. The damage creates a huge cloud of dust. Ichigo wipes his eyes, removing the dust and blood. What he noticed has shocked him. Aizen is there and not there. Ichigo is wondering what the hell is going on. The blood begins to pour down his face again. Ichigo looks at Aizen and thinks, what had just happened. Ichigo wipes his eyes again and notices again that Aizen is there and also not. Ichigo closes his left eye and sees Aizen. Now he closes his right eye and opens his left one, but this time Aizen is no longer there. Ichigo switches between each eye and realizes what had just happened, only his right eye witnessed Aizen's Shikai release. Ichigo still has an advantage. Ichigo looks to the distance and sees Aizen, who has already begun to create the King's Key. Everyone was shocked to find out Ichigo wasn't fighting anybody and that Aizen was creating the Key without anyone noticing. Aizen is stopped again and the process of creating the key has been halted. Aizen is surprised and Ichigo must now fight using only his left eye. He has a hard time fighting due to all the blood dripping down his face. They clash swords again and without knowing how it happened, Aizen had released his Shikai again. Aizen has completely vanished. Ichigo is starting to lose his vision from all the blood loss. He has begun to lose confidence again... that is... until he remembered the first thing Ishida taught him. He closes his eyes and fires a Getsuga towards the sky. Aizen blocks his attack and is shocked.
Aizen: "You are very interesting, Kurosaki Ichigo. Completely under hypnosis and you still managed to find me. How?"
Ichigo: "Spirit threads."
Aizen: "Interesting... back to basics I see."
Yamamoto shunpos behind Ichigo : "Stand down and let Unohana heal your wounds. I'll buy you the time."
Ichigo: "No, I can still fight."
Yamamoto: "You're a fool."
*Ichigo turns around and is cut before he had enough time to block the attack*
Yamamoto was just another illusion.
Ichigo is down kneeling on the ground.
Aizen: "Well, that was fun. You surprised me more in this fight than I have ever been in my life.... but no more games. Your life ends here."
Aizen goes for the kill, but his sword was stopped by a barrier. Orihime has arrived. Orihime and Aizen exchange words. Ichigo is trying to break out of the barrier, but can't. During the conversation Aizen realizes she is just stalling because Ichigo was being healed during their conversation.
Aizen: "You'll pay for this, woman."
Orihime turns around and smiles as they both look each other in the eye
Ichigo: "Orihime...."
Orihime: "... Kurosaki-kun... I lo-"
Ichigo: "Orihime!!!!"
The slash was so strong that not only did it cut Orhime, but it also damaged the barrier in front of her. The barrier surrounding Ichigo crumbles as Orihime falls with tears in her eyes. Ichigo quickly grabs her before she falls to the ground. They both look at each other.
Ichigo: "Orhime..."
Orhime is in so much pain, crying and coughing up blood
Ichigo: "We'll get through this Orihime... I promise you, we'll get through this... Orhime.... I love you."
For a split second, Orhime forgets all the pain as she looks at Ichigo with tears in her eyes and smiles.
Orhime goes into shock, Ichigo puts her down slowly.
Ichigo: "Aizen!!!"
Aizen stands there with a smile on his face.
Ichigo charges at Aizen. As he is charging, his mask starts to form. The markings on his mask has changed yet again, but now it is complete (whatever that means).
Aizen still smiling and standing there as Ichigo approaches: "About time"
Aizen sets up another hypnosis attack/counter
Aizen is being cut and stabbed continuously.
Aizen is thinking to himself, "Dammit, what is going on. He should still be under my spell."
Aizen has just realized that Orihime had broken the hypnosis spell during the time Ichigo was being healed/reverted.
Ichigo: "Cero"
Aizen falls to the ground.
Ichigo: "You've fallen to the ground, Aizen. You weren't meant to stand in Heaven."
Aizen, gets up and is breathing heavily: "I'd like to congratulate you Kurosaki Ichigo... for not only being the first.... entity... to ever cut me... but for also... BEING THE FIRST ONE TO WITNESS MY BANKAI!!!"
Aizen: "Bankai! *INSERT NAME HERE*"
Aizen's Bankai creates a space/world similar to Tousens, but has a 5 mile radius and in this space, Aizen can create/do anything as if his enemy was under hypnosis. Aizen refers to this as his fall back when his enemy don't fall under complete hypnosis and that this is the only time he has ever had to use it. Anything he creates is real and is not an imagination. The battlefield is constantly changing from FKT, HM, SS, LN, Rokungai, etc.
Aizen: "Beautiful"
The battlefield takes place at the top of Mount Fuji (EXAMPLE)
Aizen: "Welcome to your end."
Ichigo, Yamamoto, and Unohana are all shocked. Shocked at not only what Aizen can do with his Bankai, but at the 12 Captains that stand behind Aizen. The 12 Captains behind him are all in Bankai or Shikai, whichever strongest releases Aizen has seen thus far.
The beginning of the end begins here and now as Ichigo, Yamamoto, and Unohana must face the Gotei 13.
by: .access timeco.
382 - Ichigo comes into KKT and chalenges Aizen after 19 pages of "ZOMG" from everyone in there. Aizen accepts it.
383 - Ichigo tries to fight with his eyes closed. His ass is solemnly handled to him. By the end of the chapter, Aizen says that unfortunately it seems Ichigo will never developed into something useful to him. So, in order to avoid him becoming a threat instead, he decides to kill him right away.
"Don't you Captains or newcomers try to protect him. I am quite tired of you all ruining the glorious deathes of your comrades. If anyone tries to come, I will make sure it will be your swords piercing his skull" knowing he could do it with his illusions, all the good guys are rendered immobile when Aizen's sword falls down, ready to rip Ichigo's body in two pieces.
"OH!" Everyone (but the readers) is surprised: someone stopped the blade.
Gin: Ha! I couldn't see that coming :/
Aizen: ... What are you doing... - Aizen seems unpleased as he stares at the figure in front of him - ... Tousen? *no more "Kaname" for you*
384 - Everyone is shocked by Tousen protecting Ichigo.
- Seriously, to make me reveal myself so early... what were you all thinking bringing this kid to face Aizen, Gotei 13? There is still a long way in front of him before he could even think of that. Are you that dispaired already?
Lots of talk. Some KT revelation about how Tousen secretly tried to make Ichigo grow a bit with every fight trying to protect him from fights he couldn't win (like saving him from GJJJ on Earth). Tousen would actually keep pretending to be on Aizen's side, but he was forced to reveal himself now or Ichigo would be killed.
Tousen: Just like me back in that time, you are still too immature to become one of us. And since you are too straight forward, I realized you would be an awful actor, therefore it would be too risk to explain the situation to you before the right time.
Ichigo: What...?
Yamamoto: ! - Yamamoto remembers a time many years ago when a Shinigami (unknown to the readers) questioned him about Tousen. - So it was this... back then, they had already saw through Aizen's facade.
Gin: "They"? Who are they?
Tousen: Exactly. Unfortunately, the whole group was already under his hypnosis by then. It was by that time they found me... an academy student naturally immune to your powers, Aizen. *no more "-sama" for you*
Aizen: ...
Tousen: And they decided to train me since then so I could meet their standards and someday fight you head on.
Aizen: But apparently you realized it would never be possible.
Tousen: Indeed. Not by myself at least, even though I tried to put myself right by your side. That was when I was put in charge of this boy... of Kurosaki Ichigo.
Ichigo: Me?
Tousen: To guide him until he could be in pair with us and, as one of our group, join me against you.
Gin: This whole mystery is getting annoying. Who are "they"?
Tousen takes some artifact off of his clothes and it emits a sound/energy signal/whatever calling the other members of his group.
Aizen: I am proud. To think that so early I had already caught the attention of such great figures... as well as your fear...
*Nearly 10 Shinigami appear in KKT, Isshin is among them. BGM: "Stand up, be strong"

Aizen: ... Division Zero. No, the Royal Guard.
by: urukiorra
Bleach 382
Ichigo wil use the ability ishida taught him to zero in on a specific reiatsu... He'l use this to combat aizen..... They are on even terms.... This suprises everyone.. Ichigo is fightin with his eyes closed and has managed to block all of aizens attacks.
It will end with ichigo blocking a major strike and saying...
''i told you i can see you... Sosuke Aizen...''
Bleach 383
Aizen and ichigo continue swordplay... Aizen uses kidou.... Ichigo counters it with a direct getsuga tenshou...
Everyone is surprised... Even gin ain't smiling no more...
At the end... Ichigo says... Its time i finished this....
He activates his bankai... And connects with his hollow mask...
' you're finished... Aizen '
Bleach 384
The reiatsu from his bankai and new generation hollow mask shocks everybody...
Aizen smiles... And says...
'' it seems urahara and i both tied in creating the perfect hybrid.... Yes... He's quite the genius... Admittedly he found a being with a collosal reiatsu.... But so did I... Mine isn't a shinigami though... Its a hollow... Actually... A vastolorde... Even he scares me... At times... (TO WW) WONDERWEISS MARGERA..! This is your target...! We'l c who is the better of the two.... Urahara kisuke....
Chapter ends with WW and Ichigo Cross swords....
TAGS: Bleach, Bleach 382 Predictions, Bleach 382, Bleach 382 Raw, Bleach Spoilers, Bleach 382 Spoilers, Bleach Manga Spoilers, Bleach Anime, Bleach 382 English, Naruto 471, Naruto 471 Spoilers, Naruto 471 Predictions, Naruto 471 Confirmed Spoilers, Naruto 471 English, One Piece 564, One Piece 564 RAW, One Piece 564 Spoilers
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