Zetsu-san's Poll of the Week
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by: Nja - 2Ch

Cover is Kenpachi and Byakuya
This will be brief.
Yammi focuses on fighting Kenpachi. (Kenpachi is blown away by Yammi but it's a weak punch.)
In the middle of this Mayuri shows up.
He explains that he has with him a machine he made that can open the gates whenever he wants.
Mayuri: "Kurosaki Ichigo, by properly making it to the real world you'll become my #1 test subject."
Unohana appears and says she wants to go to the real world, too.
Mayuri: "Oh dear, if the 4th Division Captain is my test subject herself, she won't know if I've made a mistake."
Undaunted, she replies, "There definitely won't be a mistake. If there was and if Urahara-san heard then he'd make fun of you."
Ichigo: But those guys are in trouble (against Yammi.)
Byakuya: "You are the substitute shinigami of that town...so it's your duty to guard it."
Ichigo: !!!!!
Ichigo says he understands and warps away with Unohana. That's the end.
by: woo
Bleach 380
Byakuya – Such insolence. Senbonzakura Kageyoshi Gokei.
Yammy is caught within the Gokei. He breaks free with barely any scratches on his body.
Yammy strikes at Byakuya sending him flying towards Rukia.
Rukia – BYAKUYA!
Byakuya – Rukia... (He manages to stand) Senbonzakura Kageyoshi Shukei Hakuteiken.
Yammy's is pierced by Byakuya's white blade.
Yammy – HAHAHAHAHA! I MUST CONGRATUALATE YOU, YOU MANAGE TO HURT ME! (He attempts to strike at Byakuya)
Zaraki – (He blocks Yammy's attack) My turn....
Zaraki sets himself in a kendo position and strikes repeatedly at Yammy and is pushing him back.
Yammy – Spikey haired insect.
Yammy retaliates sending Zaraki flying with Yammy doing a follow up smash down. Zaraki gets up and his arm is dislocated. He pops it back in place and laughs.
more spoilers and predictions at http://bleachh-spoilers.blogspot.com
Zaraki – HAHAHAHAHA, finally some more action.
Zaraki continues to get pulverizes till his arms and legs are no longer able to move. He lays still seeing Yammy about to strike. He put up his sword once more. Time slows down, he closes his eyes. He is in a trance.
Zaraki – Hmm... So weak, no one to fight. Is this all there is in this place. Hmph.
??? - You demon... You have a thirst for battle... You possessed immense strength... But it will not help much.
Zaraki – Show your self!
??? - Follow my voice Demon.
Zaraki is in a forest on the outskirts. There is a burial sight near. There is an ominous feel in the air.
Zaraki set himself. He pulls out his sword.
??? - Hmph. (Pulls out his sword)
They immediately begin to clash swords. Zaraki thinks he is winning but he has sustained too much injuries and didn't pay attention to the fact that he was losing the entire time.
??? - Pathetic Human... You are blind...
??? makes one final strike, and Zaraki's sword is broken and he is sent flying
??? - Do not look at others strength, look at your own. Understand your own strength first. You have a duty to do. You have a reputation to uphold. You have friends to protect. Understand your strength.
Zaraki slashed up, braced against a tree – My own strength? Who are you?
??? rushes forth and stabs Zaraki in the heart and dissipates saying - I am you...
more spoilers and predictions at http://bleachh-spoilers.blogspot.com
He opens his eyes to see a white scimitar in front of him blocking Yammy's punch.
Zaraki – My own strength... (He strikes, sending Yammy flying, he looks at his sword and see the color changed to black) Hey... Ichigo, go find Mayuri if you want to get out of here, and fix your mask.
Ichigo – Zaraki... Yes. Byakuya, can you walk?
Byakuya – Yes, why?
Ichigo – protect them please.
Rukia, Sado, and Reji
Byakuya – Hmm.
Zaraki – Shall we continue?
Next Issue – Demonic Rampage, familiar faces, new beginning.
by: woo
Bleach 380
Byakuya – Such insolence. Senbonzakura Kageyoshi Gokei.
Yammy is caught within the Gokei. He breaks free with barely any scratches on his body.
Yammy strikes at Byakuya sending him flying towards Rukia.
Rukia – BYAKUYA!
Byakuya – Rukia... (He manages to stand) Senbonzakura Kageyoshi Shukei Hakuteiken.
Yammy's is pierced by Byakuya's white blade.
Yammy – HAHAHAHAHA! I MUST CONGRATUALATE YOU, YOU MANAGE TO HURT ME! (He attempts to strike at Byakuya)
Zaraki – (He blocks Yammy's attack) My turn....
Zaraki sets himself in a kendo position and strikes repeatedly at Yammy and is pushing him back.
Yammy – Spikey haired insect.
Yammy retaliates sending Zaraki flying with Yammy doing a follow up smash down. Zaraki gets up and his arm is dislocated. He pops it back in place and laughs.
more spoilers and predictions at http://bleachh-spoilers.blogspot.com
Zaraki – HAHAHAHAHA, finally some more action.
Zaraki continues to get pulverizes till his arms and legs are no longer able to move. He lays still seeing Yammy about to strike. He put up his sword once more. Time slows down, he closes his eyes. He is in a trance.
Zaraki – Hmm... So weak, no one to fight. Is this all there is in this place. Hmph.
??? - You demon... You have a thirst for battle... You possessed immense strength... But it will not help much.
Zaraki – Show your self!
??? - Follow my voice Demon.
Zaraki is in a forest on the outskirts. There is a burial sight near. There is an ominous feel in the air.
Zaraki set himself. He pulls out his sword.
??? - Hmph. (Pulls out his sword)
They immediately begin to clash swords. Zaraki thinks he is winning but he has sustained too much injuries and didn't pay attention to the fact that he was losing the entire time.
??? - Pathetic Human... You are blind...
??? makes one final strike, and Zaraki's sword is broken and he is sent flying
??? - Do not look at others strength, look at your own. Understand your own strength first. You have a duty to do. You have a reputation to uphold. You have friends to protect. Understand your strength.
Zaraki slashed up, braced against a tree – My own strength? Who are you?
??? rushes forth and stabs Zaraki in the heart and dissipates saying - I am you...
more spoilers and predictions at http://bleachh-spoilers.blogspot.com
He opens his eyes to see a white scimitar in front of him blocking Yammy's punch.
Zaraki – My own strength... (He strikes, sending Yammy flying, he looks at his sword and see the color changed to black) Hey... Ichigo, go find Mayuri if you want to get out of here, and fix your mask.
Ichigo – Zaraki... Yes. Byakuya, can you walk?
Byakuya – Yes, why?
Ichigo – protect them please.
Rukia, Sado, and Reji
Byakuya – Hmm.
Zaraki – Shall we continue?
Next Issue – Demonic Rampage, familiar faces, new beginning.
One Piece 18-Pages RAW Spoiler Pics are up!!
by: woo
Bleach 380 Prediction
Also Read Woo's Previous Chapter:
Bleach 379: Unexpected Reunion
Las Noches
Orihime is healing the wounds of Uryu. But she seems distracted.
Uryu – Ori..hime. He's still the same person. No matter how many masks he puts on, it's still him behind it.
Orihime – You... You're right... Just a little bit more.... Done.
Uryu (Gets up shakes of dust) – Well, where do we go from her...
posted only at http://bleachh-spoilers.blogspot.com
Tessai – You come with me. They're are others that need tending to Orihime. Shall we?
Orihime – Ye...Yes. Let's go Uryu.
Uryu – Uh Yes.
He grabs a hold of them.
Rukia is sitting next to Renji and Sado.
Rukia – Ichigo, you idiot. Why did you leave me back. (Cries)
Tessai – He left you behind, because he didn't want to see you get more injuries. I have brought friends to help you.
Orihime – Sado! Renji! (She rushes over and creates a Soten Kisshun over both Sado and Renji and also Rukia is next to them.)
Tessai – As soon as you are done Orihime. We shall leave this place.
Orihime – Yes, Tessai.
Rukia – What about the other Captains and Liutenants?
Byakuya – Do not worry about us. We will stay behind and take care of the rest of Arrancar left behind.
Rukia (Shocked) – Byakuya...
Renji – Captain... How will you get back?
Byakuya – Mayuri, is in charge of that. Orihime, can you heal me?
Orihime – Yes... Yes... (She extends her Soten Kisshun over Byakuya)
Back at the Fake Karakura Town
Isshin (Kicks Ichigo in the head) – ICHIGO! Never lose focus!
Ichigo – WHY THE HELL DID YOU KICK ME FOR? (Looks at his father) Wait... Why are you here? Why are you a Shinigami?
Isshin – Well ummm,,, Ummm well you see my boy... Ummm...
Aizen – Your father used to be a Royal Guard, till he was banished to the Human World for falling in love with a mortal. Isn't that correct...Captain... Kurosaki?
Isshin – Not necessarily Sosouke. I wasn't Banished. I simply left. Now to change the story, when I left the old 12th division Captain before Kisuke was appointed a Royal Guard to fill the space.
Genryusai – Isshin, Kisuke, Yoruichi, and Ryuken. It has been awhile since I have last seen you.
Isshin – GRAMPS! My boy hasn't been giving you trouble right?
Genryusai – Hmph, Like Father, Like...
posted only at http://bleachh-spoilers.blogspot.com
Aizen – Enough... This has been going on for far too long. I must get this over with.
Gin, Tousen, and Aizen prepare for battle.
Ichigo pulls his mask over his face, Isshin unsheats his sword, Kisuke releases Benihime.
Changes to Shinji
Hiyori – Hold on just a little bit Hiyori.
Changes Scene to Kensei
Kensei – This will... END NOW!
Wonderweiss (Pulls out his sword) – HAHAHAHAHA!
What will become of Kensei? How will Aizen win?
TAGS: Bleach, Bleach 379 Bleach 380, Bleach 379 Raw, Bleach 380 Raw, Bleach Manga 379, Bleach Spoilers, Bleach 380 Spoilers, Bleach Manga Spoilers, Bleach 379 Spoilers, Bleach Anime, Bleach Chapter 379, Bleach 379 Predictions, Bleach 379 Wordpress, Bleach 379 Blogspot, Bleach 379 English, Bleach 380 English, Bleach 379 Confirmed Spoiler, Bleach 379 Read Online, Bleach 379 Download, Bleach 379 Onemanga, Bleach 379 Mangahelpers, Bleach Episode 236, Bleach Episode 236 (English Sub), Bleach 379 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Bleach 379 Narutofan, Bleach 379 Bleachcentral, Bleach 379 Bleachexile, Bleach Asylum, Naruto, Naruto 469, Naruto 469 Raw, Naruto Manga 469,One piece 561, One Piece 561 Raw Spoilers
TAGS: Bleach, Bleach 379 Bleach 380, Bleach 379 Raw, Bleach 380 Raw, Bleach Manga 379, Bleach Spoilers, Bleach 380 Spoilers, Bleach Manga Spoilers, Bleach 379 Spoilers, Bleach Anime, Bleach Chapter 379, Bleach 379 Predictions, Bleach 379 Wordpress, Bleach 379 Blogspot, Bleach 379 English, Bleach 380 English, Bleach 379 Confirmed Spoiler, Bleach 379 Read Online, Bleach 379 Download, Bleach 379 Onemanga, Bleach 379 Mangahelpers, Bleach Episode 236, Bleach Episode 236 (English Sub), Bleach 379 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Bleach 379 Narutofan, Bleach 379 Bleachcentral, Bleach 379 Bleachexile, Bleach Asylum, Naruto, Naruto 469, Naruto 469 Raw, Naruto Manga 469,One piece 561, One Piece 561 Raw Spoilers
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