by: Onayako
Bleach 388: Purity
Ichigo charges head on to Aizen and strikes. Aizen parries the attack. As their swords contact, they both look each other in the eye.
Aizen: I was expecting you but not that fast, you never cease to amaze me Ryoka boy.
Ichigo: Keep yor compliments after I beat the crap out of you, Aizen!
Aizen: Ohooo.
They both draw back, Hirako flash steps near Ichigo.
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Hirako: Glad to see you Ichigo. Tell me where is Orihime?
Ichigo: She's still in Hueco Mundo, its safer there from here.
Hirako: No way! Ichigo we need Orihime's powers. At this rate, Hiyori....She won't make it!
Ichigo takes a look and sees Hiyori inside Hachigen's barrier. Hachigen is barely keeping Hiyori alive. From distance a figure approaches.
Figure: Oh my, how rude of you Shinji-san, don't you belive in my capabilities?
Hirako: Unohana-san!
Aizen: Long time no see, Captain Unohana.
Unohana goes to where Hachigen and Hiyori is. She gently asks Hachigen to remove barrier. She releases her zanpakuto Minazuki. This time Minazuki doesn't morph into a manta ray but the gas substance infuses with Hiyori. It starts to regenerate Hiyori's body from the waist down.
Gin: Heeeeeeee, what's this Captain Aizen.
Aizen: Never witnessed it myself, but it's been said that Minazuki is the best healing-type zanpakuto in Soul Society history. But now I see why. The very moment minazuki infuses with his target, it replicates targets cells, tissues and eventually organs and limbs. So this is the true power of Captain Unohana's zanpakuto! It's far more greater power than hollow high speed regeneration because hollow regeneration doesn't apply for organs.
Ichigo: Wow, I've never thought Unohana-san's zanpakuto would be this cool.
Hirako: We are saved, thanks to Unohana-san. Now Aizen, I can fight you with nothing to worry!
Aizen: At this rate, even I can't afford to let this happen. Gin we're going.
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Both Aizen and Gin charges head on to Unohana but they both stopped by Ichigo and Hirako.
Hirako: If you want to attack Unohana-san that's fine.
Ichigo: But don't forget we are you opponents!
Both Ichigo and Hirako seen smiling. The real battle has just begun!
by: Woo
Bleach 388:
Renewed. The Lives and Destiny Of Those Intertwine Are About To Be Changed
The Garganta seals shut as Unohana exits
Ichigo – AIZEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aizen – Seems the prodigy has returned.
Ichigo misses as Aizen is behind him. Aizen strikes Ichigo, He manages to evade and strikes back.
Ichigo – HAAAAA!
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(Flash Back)
Ichigo – Captain Unohana, I feel very rejuvenated now. And I see a distant light.
Unohana – Getting more closer, Ichigo. (Thinking) - I have barely begun to heal him fully. How is he going to be able to fight Aizen in this state.
Ichigo – (Thinking) – Just hold on a little bit more. I hope those left in Heuco Mundo are alright. I hope Orihime is alright. Almost There.
Hisagi – CAPTAIN!
Ichigo – AIZEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back To The Present Time
Aizen – Seems like you've gotten stronger. But from what I can sense you're not that strong for me yet, Child. Gin...
Gin – Understood. Slay Him Shinso...
Ichigo – This again... Huuuh Hahhh! Getsuga Tenshou!
Gin – Hmph! Shinso is thirsty. Hehehehehehehe! Fly! And Strike Him Down Shinso!
Gin's second shikai ability, Shinso's blade separates from the hilt and duplicates into multiple swords around Gin pointed at Ichigo.
Ichigo – Impossible!
Gin – No Probable... Strike Him Shinso!
Shinji - Collapse Sakanade.
Due to the inverted world's effect Gin gets caught in it. He is under the effect and thinks he will be attacked by his own shikai. He Moves backwards thinking it will miss him but instead moves forward where the blades struck him.
Shinji – Ichigo... Where is Orihime? Hiyori needs her help.
Ichigo – She's back in Hueco Mundo, she will be here soon with back up. Trust me.
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Hueco Mundo
Kenpachi – Hey! Science Guy! Get these kids out of here. We can't fight with them here.
Mayuri – Tsk. Insolent Man. But for a barbarian you are correct. Children pick yourselves up and follow Nemu. Nemu! Get them away from here. Fast.
Nemu – Yes... Captain Mayuri....
Fake Karakura Town
Shinji – Okay. I will take care of this little insolent child. You go for his Master. Don't worry after I'm done I will take over for you.
Ichigo – Heh, You sure about that. Alright.
They depart from each other preparing to fight their opponents respectively with fire burning in their eyes and soul.
Aizen vs Ichigo; Gin vs Shinji.
Bleach 389: Turning Back The Pendulum Once More.
by: The Icon
Bleach 388: The Return
Ichigo: aizen the chances of winning is zero
Aizen: zero ah so he has come just as expected so he beat ullquiora
Ichigo: its time for u to die aizen
Aizen: do u really think a pefatic lowly shinagami can beat me u might have beaten ullquiora but he is no where to the level i am
Ichigo: attacks aizen from behind but aizen simply dodge by stopping the sword with his fingure
Ichigo: white luner fang aizen is sent flying do u really think that would work on me again
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Shinagami/Vizads: look at the sky who is that wait a minute thats
Hirako: Ichigo about time u appear now where is oriheme
Ichigo: she is still in Hueco Mundo tendng to uru wounds
Hirako: whaaaaaaaaat we need here here now to heel hiyori
Aizen: that girl ah she won't make it
Shiniji: rushes to attack aizen but is suddenly slashed across the chest
Aizen:i told u ur sword is no where close to the abilities of mine
Ichigo: shiniji
Shiniji: its up to u now Ichigo
Ichigo: aizen then put on the new mask flash step to attack aizen but gin stops him but suddenly Hitsuguaya stops gin extending sword from attacking ichigo
Hitsuguaya: gin ur fight is with me now i'll be doing matsumato a favor ever sine u left she has been worried about u but i doubt savin u is possibly
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Aizen and ichigo is face to face
Ichigo: tell me aizen y r u doing this
Aizen: simply to become king and as soon as u r dead no one will be able to stop me
Ichigo: ad why am i the only one who can stop u
Aizen: cuz unlike these pephatic shinigami and vizard u arn't that easy to kill because of that dad of yours
Ichigo: what r u talking about
Aizen: so u don't know that your father was a shinagami the one who betrayed the soul society
Next Issue
Bleach 389: The Truth
Bleach, Bleach 388 Predictions, Bleach 388, Bleach 388 Raw, Bleach Spoilers, Bleach 388 Spoilers, Bleach Manga Spoilers, Bleach Anime, Bleach 388 English, Naruto 475, Naruto 475 Spoilers, Naruto 475 Predictions, Naruto 475 Confirmed Spoilers, Naruto 475 English, One Piece 568, One Piece 568 RAW, One Piece 568 Spoilers, Bleach 388 Predictions, Bleach 388, Bleach 388 Raw, Bleach Spoilers, Bleach 388 Spoilers, Bleach Manga Spoilers, Bleach Anime, Bleach 388 English, Naruto 478, Naruto 478 Spoilers, Naruto 478 Predictions, Naruto 478 Confirmed Spoilers, Naruto 478 English, One Piece 570, One Piece 570 RAW, One Piece 570 Spoilers